Chapter 8 - A Promise

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Kaneki Pov

I already regretted my decision

The second I heard Arima's voice I wanted to hang up, but alas it was too late now. "This is Kaneki and there is a young boy in the middle of the path up to class 3-E who is unconscious and bleeding." I said clearly through the phone. There was a slight pause and a rustle before I was bombarded with questions.

"Is the wound fatal?"

"Does it look like a ghoul attack?"

"How long does it look like they have been there?"

"Wait there until some CCG members arrive but stay on guard whoever caused this might still be in the area." And with that last set of instructions Arima ended the call.

I sat down and leant against a tree waiting for the Doves to arrive. The call had gone surprisingly well but it didn't mean that I was out of the metaphorical woods yet. I would probably have to answer some questions from the CCG before I was allowed to go home.

I regretted going to walk home without Karasuma. If the teacher was here he would take all the responsibility and I would be able to go home and read. I sighed, casting the thought from my mind, there was nothing I could do now.

I took a moment to simply look around. The forest looked beautiful in the fading afternoon light with a gentle breeze shaking the leaves on their branches. It was like a painting the way the dying light shone through the leaves painting splashes of golden light and deep shadow over the ground

Even with a boy bleeding in the middle of the path the scene loosened some of the tension always found within me. I felt myself relaxing to the scent of the forest and the quiet rustle of leaves. I closed my eyes and looked within myself trying to figure out what I was feeling.

There was a façade of peace wavering at the surface but when you dived deeper down there were pools of pain and sadness mixing and blending into anger and a steel determination. What happiness found, was tainted as if my heart mourned for the lost joy and hope.

I looked within myself and flinched. I lacked hope, the only reason for my existence was to protect others. So why was I still living? The very ones I wanted to protect were forever out of reach.

I lacked someone to truly wish to protect. Sure I wanted to protect the rest of the ghouls brought over but was it enough reason to live. Did I care for them just because they were the same species? If it was about species then I was just as obliged to help the humans. Right?

But you already are

A soft voice whispered to me.

You just saved that human instead of killing him didn't you? You saved him because you recognise yourself as both species.

I was back in that room.

I was sitting in the chair except no chains bound me in place. There was a pair of footsteps to my left, Looking over I noticed my past self standing there. "Yes you're a ghoul... But you're human too!" He exclaimed, silver eyes glistening in desperation.

Something sparked inside me, A forgotten memory

"I will always love you!" My mother said with tears in her eyes

6 year old me was confused, Why was Mum sad? I leant in to give her a hug trying to wrap my small arms around her body. A shudder wracked through her body, as she buried her head in my hair.

I patted her head like she had always done when I was sad, My small hand easily slipping through her hair. It had been slowly turning white recently but I still liked it, it felt soft and warm. When Mum's tears stopped she lifted her head to lean her forehead against my own.

A ghoulish Assassination (Tokyo Ghoul and Assassination classroom Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now