Chapter 4 - Night Time

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Kaneki Pov

The streets were silent tonight. It was too quiet, like something was about to happen and everyone was watching, waiting with bated breath. I snuck through the streets hiding from the lights and cloaking myself in shadow. A quiet rustle alerted me to movement.

I paused freezing in the shadows. I took a quick sniff identifying the mysterious noise. It was human, of that I was sure. I crept towards the small side street where the shadows seemed to deepen.

What I saw surprised me. It was a kid, probably no older than 10 shivering in her sleep in the gap between 2 houses. I hesitated. This would make a perfect meal but she looked so young, too young to be experiencing the cold of a night on the streets.

"What's wrong Kaneki" It was Rize who spoke, I didn't even need to turn around to know who was speaking.

"If you're hungry you should eat! I mean the only way to live is to devour others." I felt some of my resolve weaken. I needed to eat and this opportunity was too good to let go so easily. But that stupid human part of me fought back, screamed for me to save the child.

I was torn. This wasn't some adult who had already lived their life, this was a kid who had been given no opportunity to live yet. I debated whether I would find another meal tonight more suitable.

"Kaaaaaaannnnnneeeekkkkkiiiiiiiiiiiiii, I'm hungry" I turned around shocked, I was no longer in the small street rather I was back in that room. Only the room was split in half by a massive abyss. On one half stood my Kakuja form holding its hand out towards me. On the other half was my human self with black hair offering his hand. I was floating in the middle above the abyss of darkness.

I knew I had to pick. I had to pick or forsake both just like Jason had taught me. I couldn't remain floating here forever. I had to choose or forsake myself this time. "Don't listen to him Kaneki!" My human half cried out. I looked between the two seeing how much I had changed in such a short amount of time.

"To live is to devour others" My kakuja form reminded me. I nodded subconsciously as my mind processed the two opinions. "What if the kid was Hinami, would you still eat her?" My human half asked me. I hesitated knowing I would very clearly refuse if it was Hinami. I would rather expose myself later and eat a full-grown man in public than eat Hinami.

"But it's not Hinami and either we eat now or lose control later" My Kakuja self reminded me. I felt his hand reach out and slip around my shoulder. "We are a ghoul... act like one" He whispered in my ear. I flinched knowing he was right.

I was a ghoul now and nothing would ever change that.

"Kaneki this isn't the only option I'm sure there are others we can choose" My human self begged me. My Kakuja had removed himself from me and now was back in his original position holding his hand out.

"Choose" Now it was Rize standing there opposite me in the abyss. "Choose or fall," she said, pointing to the darkness below. I looked down in fear. The darkness seemed to pulse like it was living and waiting to tear me to shreds.

There was only really one path I could take at this moment. I turned my back against my human self and started walking towards my Kakuja. My Kakuja form smiled in a feral glee as I accepted his hand, and we joined. I ignored the dying screams of my human form as the room faded from around me.

I was back in reality facing the girl having made my decision.

My Kagune tore out of my back and I felt my Kakugan activate. She only had the chance to take in a startled breath before she was dead. I killed her quickly ripping through her throat with my teeth. Her flesh was a relief quenching the thirst and feeding the hunger. I ate as quickly as possible, eating as much as possibly could.

A ghoulish Assassination (Tokyo Ghoul and Assassination classroom Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now