Chapter 16 - Campus Trawling

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Kaneki Pov

It was still early that I 'woke up' on Saturday morning after a night where I actually hadn't slept much at all and so even though my body didn't actually need the caffeine I made myself a cup of coffee anyway so I could at least enjoy the placebo effect created by my mind that it would actually give me energy.

It was at this time that Ayato padded into the kitchen, probably having been woken up by the smell of coffee. I watched as his eyes immediately shot to the coffee still hot on the bench and with a roll of my own eyes I offered it to him not wanting to deal with him in a shitty mood later today just because he didn't get his daily coffee. All of Ayato's subordinates knew they were on thin ice any day Ayato hadn't indulged in his morning coffee and thus they made sure to keep supplying his addiction lest they suffer for it.

I wasn't afraid of Ayato in his coffee-less melodramatic killing sprees but I found it troublesome to be around and the voices in my head always got louder the more agitated I was, and pushed too far I would probably try to kill the source of the annoyance–in this case namely Ayato–which simply wouldn't do. So it was better for everyone if Ayato got his morning coffee.

When Karasuma also joined us in the kitchen only five minutes later I also handed him a cup of coffee which he accepted with a grateful smile, one which I returned sweetly watching as Ayato cringed from the corner of my eye.

"So any plans for today?" Karasuma asked after taking a deep sip from his mug. He directed the question to both of us and I looked ponderingly at Ayato as I realised I didn't actually know what to do with him today.

I hummed in thought before responding, "I am going to be meeting up with some friends from class A today and I was thinking that maybe you and Ayato could spend the day together as neither of you have anything that you need to do right?" I directed this question mainly towards Karasuma knowing for a fact that Ayato had nothing better to do.

Karasuma glanced at Ayato discreetly as though checking if he was fine with the plan before slowly nodding in response to my question, "Yes that should be fine, and if Ayato is going to be staying I should probably take him out shopping like I did with you as your clothes are a little, uh, small on him."

I felt my cheeks heat a little at being reminded of how small I was in comparison to Ayato who was a full three years younger than me.

I glanced over at Ayato and though his face had plastered on it a deceptively sad expression (as though he was still despairing over the death of his father) I could read the mixture of humour and resignation in his eyes, humour for the reminder of my short stature and resignation as he realised he was about to be dragged around trying clothes on for shopping for the next half a day.

I smiled meanly at his misery (not that Karasuma would realise it was mean) enjoying the petty way to get back at Ayato for all the times he had been a fucking pain in my ass.

"That sounds like a great idea," I said brightly but with a touch of fake concern in my gaze as I look at Ayato as though to check if it was okay with him. He nods stiffly and his eyes narrowed as his eyes track the sharp edge of spitefulness in my smile that I flash at him as though relieved he agreed. Not that he had any other choice, Ayato had already realised that it was my way or nothing in this new world.

I check the time on my phone and realise that I have to start walking to the station in the next five minutes if I want to reach my desired train on time using human speed. I slip my phone back into my pocket and check briefly in the small backpack I planned to bring that I had everything I would need for meeting up with the big 5.

I shrugged the bag onto my back before turning back to face the others, "I need to leave now for my train, so bye!" I gave a little wave before heading to the door.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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