Chapter 12 - Cold Water

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Koro Sensei Pov

There was a certain pride to be found as you watch that lightbulb moment in someone's head as they finally understand and the knowledge that you were the one to cause it. Teaching in class 3-E would be a wonderful way to spend my final year of living.

I was teaching history when I noticed that Karma and Kaneki had skipped class again. It was great that Kaneki was settling in well but I was now regretting my decision to put him next to Karma, where he would be more tempted to skip class.

Of course it's not like he actually needed to be listening to this as he was actually 19 and had already graduated, but it grated on my instincts that he wasn't polishing his second blade to keep it strong and ready to use.

An assassin should never let the most important weapon of all -their intelligence- be dulled like a forgotten dagger left to rust in the rain.

Kaneki had shown great potential to be an assassin and it was only further proven today at his assassination attempt, If he was the one to kill me I would not bu upset. Though for all his potential there was something slightly off with Kaneki, his scent was metallic in nature with the softness of his personal scent but it was oddly faded. His scent was weak and tended not to stick to anything he touched.

It could just be that he naturally had a weaker scent than most but the heavy metallic nature of it was what concerned him. Kaneki's scent reminded him of blood, citrus and something slightly sweet that was uniquely Kaneki.

I couldn't seem to stop thinking about the kid, he moved fluidly and with the grace of a dancer and yet showed the grounded form that only came with a trained fighter. I couldn't help but wonder if he was related to the strange influx of people from another world nearly identical to our own.

His arrival corresponded with those of the other world and while it wasn't proven I doubted that when we finally got a response from America it would confirm his story. I was tempted to simply take him over to America and get him to show me where he lived.

But if he truly was from the other world, forcing it out of him like that would break his trust and growing sense of safety within the class. As it was my job to make all the students in the class feel safe I simply couldn't do that to him.

Besides he was working with the CCG and as they are from the other world he might hopefully soon open up and tell us seeing that others have crossed over.

Of course this would only work if he truly was from the other world.

When class ended I noticed a note on my desk. It was in a plain envelope without any writing on it. Using my superior sense of smell I tried to scent who it belonged to but there was nothing, it was almost like the wind had blown it there.

I opened it and scanned through it quickly, to say I was shocked was an understatement.

This is a warning,

There are some new hungry beings in this world that are interested in assassinating you. Who knows maybe they might succeed. I heard that you would do anything to protect those kids and maybe this is the chance to prove that theory. Afterall it would be a shame if someone of your title as an assassin were to just simply let innocent kids die.

I didn't recognise the handwriting but very few people knew about my past profession narrowing down my list significantly. Whoever it was had connections to the other world somehow because they seemed to be threatening my students with the human-like species ghouls.

I had sworn to protect my students no matter what it took and if I had to fight another species from another world I would. It was clear this bastard was counting on me protecting them but that doesn't mean I would come unprepared.

A ghoulish Assassination (Tokyo Ghoul and Assassination classroom Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now