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Hey everyone, just a few words before we begin!

This book will contain suicidal themes, death, drugs, alcohol, panic attacks/anxiety bad eating habits, self-harm etc. Please be careful.

Please read the trigger warnings in the book, they won't be at the beginning of chapters so it doesn't spoil the events but if you do get triggered by any of the mentioned themes then I don't recommend reading this as most of them will be reoccurring and hard to avoid.

Ps idc if you guys reference any other fanfics (I myself reference some) and idc if u point out spelling errors I make cause I also think it's pretty funny

If this goes beyond any of the boundaries of the people in this fanfic mentioned, I won't hesitate to delete it or change it <3

I am shipping their online personas, not the actual people

Disclaimer: Oliver is an OC, George refers to him as Oli most of the time

Without further ado, buckle up!


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