Chapter 4: Introductions

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I frantically searched around town looking for him but there wasn't much I could do without any form of transportation. I had been searching for him the whole day, the sun was beginning to set when I began losing hope of finding him.

Anxiety continued to bubble up inside of me as I reminisced of the day we met, it was one of my fondest memories and I would never forget it. 

I was working my summer job on a day where it was especially hot and the beach was packed with people trying to escape the heatwave. My eyes skimmed the water, keeping them peeled for anyone in danger when a girl about my age approached me, smiling endearingly. She wore a soft pink 1 piece bathing suit and her pale blond hair was dyed pink towards the end. I inhaled, preparing for what was to come. I was used to girls coming up to me to ask for my number and every single time it would prick my heart when I would watch their cheeks flush in embarrassment as I told them I was gay. 

As the girl came closer to my tower, a phone in her hand she began "Hey, I'm Niki!" I smiled at her "Hi! I'm Oliver, can I help you?" she was cute, but obviously not my type. "Yeah uh...I was wondering if I uhh" she stuttered out words as an uncomfortable tension grew. "Well, my friend thinks you're really cute...I was wondering if I could grab your number for him?" she spoke, gesturing behind her a boy on his phone not too far away that I had failed to notice.

I looked over to him, his chocolate brown hair drying in the blazing sun. He was glancing around, presumably looking for his friend and obviously oblivious of the fact that she was asking me out for him. He was quite short and wore light blue swim trunks, his cheeks were flushed pink, lips slightly parted and his jawline was being shown off with every time he turned his head. 

He was absolutely breathtaking.

"Uh hello?" the soft voice coming from Niki broke my trance, it was obvious I was staring at him in awe. "Yeah sure of course" I finally answer, typing my number into the phone. "thank you!" she smiled gratefully, beginning to walk away "Tell him I say he's pretty cute himself" I chuckle out to her. When she met back up with George, explaining where she was, his eyes widened in disbelief "You did what!?" he exclaimed. Oh my god, and he's British? 

For the rest of my shift, I stole glances from him, continuously becoming distracted from my job. Luckily no one was in need of help though and as people began funnelling out of the beach I spotted the 2 leaving and snuck a final glance at him, completely enraptured by his beauty.


I was snapped out of my thought as I was pushed to the ground by an unknowing stranger trying to walk by. That was when the thought finally hit me.

The beach. 

I began sprinting towards it, suddenly filled with hope and only became more hopeful when I neared it. The wind made my hair slick back as the smell of salt filled my lungs and the horizon came into view.

When I finally reached the beach I stepped into the sand watching as my feet didn't leave footprints and the surface was left unaffected as I ran on it. I frantically search around, my hope slowly disintegrating. I breathe quickly, still recovering from the run to get here and plant myself onto the sand, sobbing into my hands. I finally look up after a few minutes at the waves crashing into the shore and the pallet of reds, oranges and yellows blended together in the sky. I turned my head to the jagged rocks that were piled to make a seawall and noticed a small figure leaning against one of the larger boulders.


I rush over to the limp figure I open my mouth to call out for him until I'm silenced by the realisation that he can't hear me. When I reach him I wrap my arms around his body and sob into his chest. When I calm down I sit beside him and lay my head on his chest, watching as his chest rises up and down slowly. Eventually, I drift to sleep on his unconscious body.


I'm woken up by voices from around me. "Hello?? Are you ok??" a tall figure is kneeling down in front of George. The man had dirty blond hair, drifting around in the wind, and his fit body was shown off by a tight short sleeve green shirt, he looked to be in his early 20s. I feel George move from underneath me and I move out of the way as he regains consciousness. 

The man hands George a water bottle who accepts it graciously with a small thank you. "What time is it?"

I almost melt at the familiar sound of his voice that I hadn't heard in way too long.

"It's 7:20 am, what are you doing out here? No offence but you look like you aren't doing so well, can I do anything to help? I'm Clay by the way" he asks with sympathy. "Oh, I'm George but honestly no thanks, I dont want to trouble you, Clay, I'm alright. Thank you though for the water and your kindness" George smiles at him, getting up with a groan.

I wish I could be there to tell George to just accept the stranger's empathy and let him help.

"Very well then, at least take my number in case you need anything, please." he says, pulling out a small white business card from his pocket and handing it to George who accepts it with a pursed smile "please dont hesitate to call, I really dont mind at all and would be happy to help" he assures but George only begins walking away "Yeah okay, thanks Clay" he muttered out, not looking back and leaving Clay standing there still confused about his situation. 

Why can't he just accept the help.


1111 words 

Drink some water?

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For anyone confused about the ghost world: Its as if Oliver's body is still in the physical world just not to everyone else, so if Oliver is leaning against someone that is alive and the alive person moves, Oliver's body would be affected and move with it as he is being pushed but no one can see him and none of his actions affects the physical world. Oliver can also 'shift' through things like walls for example so he can get into places etc.

Lmk if you're still confused and I can try to clear things up better :)

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