Chapter 9: Glad You called

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George's POV

The cold wind was harsh against my skin, I regret not bringing a hoodie or something before I left. As I slowed my pace, catching my breath everything hit me at once. The pang of guilt for what I said to Niki And Nick, the realisation that I had nowhere to go and the awareness that I now had no one. Niki was right, of course, she was right, It's my fault that I pushed them away and my fault alone.

"GOD WHY AM I SUCH A FUCK UP" I yelled, earning judgemental stares from the people around me. I ran my fingers through my hair, tugging the brown locks that I hadn't washed in at least 2 days. Holy shit I'm a mess. I placed myself down on a random bench and began scrolling through my contact list, seeing who I could call.

'Oli 😴  ❤️' was pinned at the top of the list, can't call him he's dead.

'Bad 🧁' no, it would be too hard to explain everything.

'Callahan 🦌' He was one of Oli's friends, it would be too awkward seeing I didn't know him that well.

'Eret 🍓' Would be good to go to if he actually lived in Florida.

'Sapitus Napitus 🔥'

I continued mindlessly scrolling through the list of people, there weren't many, and slowly losing hope as I neared the bottom.

'April 🍣' Oh its Oli's sister...I wonder how she's doing, I couldn't go to his family for help, they would be disappointed to see me like this. After sending April a quick text to ask how she was doing I slid my phone back into my pocket but stop myself when I hear a slight crinkle. I pull my phone back out and reach in to find out what it was.

"Oh..." I whispered to myself in realisation.

Fuck it. What have I got to lose?

I copied down the number from the crinkled business card and dialled the number, slightly hesitating. It rang 3 times before someone picked up.

"Good afternoon, this is Christi speaking. How may I help you?" a woman's voice played through the phone.

" this not Clay?" I spoke out, confused.

"This is his manager, were you reaching out professionally or personally?" she questioned confidently.

"Well personally, just tell him that it's George I guess" Clay must be important if he has a manager, I probably shouldn't be bothering him and he probably only offered to help rhetorically and didn't think I would actually call...I should probably hang up.

As I go to press the end call button and pretend this never happened the phone beeped once before a familiar voice spoke up.

"George hey! I'm glad you called! How can I help you? Is everything okay?" he mused out cheerfully. How can he be glad I called? He doesn't even know me.

"Yeah, I was just wondering if your offer still stands? I'm in a bit of a tight...situation and could really use some help. Please don't feel any obligation to help though, to be a burden is the last thing I want, I just didn't know what else to do." Holy shit I'm pathetic...was I really begging for help from some random guy at the beach?

"No yeah of course! I would love to help, I actually just got done with work. Where about are you, I can pick you up and you can come to mine if you need somewhere to stay" he offered kindly

"That would be great actually, I can't thank you enough. I'm at the plaza behind Dan's Pizza, you know where the fountain is?" I can't believe I'm actually resorting to this, what if he turns out to be some murderer? Oh well, I don't care anymore at this point.

"Yep I do, I'll be there in 15, hang tight George." 

"Thank you so much, really I can't tell you how much this means to me. I'll see you in a bit then." I thank him profusely

"No no, it's really nothing. I told you I'm happy to help. See you soon, g'bye!" he answered before hanging up the phone. 

I stare at the texts from Nick and Niki that have been flooding my phone for the past few minutes. I read through the messages of empty sympathy, most of them asking me to just come home and talk. I turn off my phone, choosing to ignore them and wait for Clay's presence. I wouldn't even know what to answer anyways, I'll tell them I'm safe when I remember.

I watch as the sun sets, the dull purple sky blending with ugly yellows. As I ponder my thoughts, I hear a voice calling me from the near distance "George, hey!"

I look down from the sky to Clay who was waving at me with a smile from the window of his car. His slick, jet black sportscar. 

Jesus christ he must be really fucking wealthy. 


878 Words


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