Chapter 7: Aftermath

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Tomorrow it'll mark 2 months of my death. 

George is getting released today, after weeks of repeated psych evaluations and the same answer, the hospital has deemed him stable enough to be discharged. It's actually quite the opposite, George's answers were dry and blatant, shorted to as few words as possible. The same question kept being asked:

'Have you had thoughts of suicide?'

George's answer was almost always instant 'no' but in the more recent time he was asked his eyes wandered before he answered 'no'.

I watched him constantly lie to the psychiatrists and effectively convincing them he was okay, my heart wrenched when they said he was free to go because the hospital was definitely not a good place for George but at least someone was always making sure he was okay and keeping an eye on him...well someone who could do something.

The car was filled with a tense, uncomfortable silence that even I as a ghost could feel. Sapnaps eyes would wander to George every once in a while who had his head against the window and eyes staring off into the distance.

"So...should I take you back to your place? I think we should stay together for a while, just know..." Nick finally spoke up, making the air even thicker, if that was possible.

"Sap I'm not just going to off myself the first chance I get." George scoffed out bluntly, rolling his eyes.

"No, I didn't mean it like that I swear, I just mea- you know what never mind, I'll only make it worse. Let's just go to yours." Sapnap sighed out defeated. George instantly began to panic at his words "Wait no please dont take me home...anywhere but there...please, just anywhere but there I'm sorry."

"Okay it's okay, I won't take you home, we can go to mine" Sapnap reassured with a slight smile towards George.

The rest of the car ride was just as rigid and awkward, I hope things get back to normal soon, I don't want my death to bring Sap qand George apart. 

When they got home, the only words mumbled were from Sapnap telling Goerge he could stay in the guest room. George immediately collapsed onto the bed and slept for the rest of the day.

I watched him for a while, regardless of the sides of my brain fighting over if it was creepy or not.

He looked at peace and calm, probably the complete opposite of how he was feeling. After a while, I went to watch Sapnap. When I approached his room and prepared to shift through the door, which I recently discovered I could do, I heard him talking to someone. Deciding not to invade his personal business, I began to walk away until I heard George's name. 

I pushed away the thoughts in my head telling me it was a bad idea and replaced them with curiosity.

After shifting through the door, I saw Sap on the phone pacing back and forth. His voice raised, getting more impatient and irritated "Niki, what am I going to do, I can't take care of George, I can barely take care of myself. Plus he needs therapy and he won't even hear me out on it. I think you should get here, you're the only one who has a chance at convincing him." Sap hissed out.

Niki and George had drifted apart, they moved away from each other so their relationship fell out over time. I know George still loved Niki, even if they hadn't spoken in months.

Sapnap was right, if anyone were to convince George to get help it would be Niki. "Okay thank you again, I'll see you in a few days then. Text me when you arrive and ill pick you up, be safe" he wrapped up the phone call and plopped himself on his bed in exhaustion.

Sooner or later Sapnap was going to crack, the weight of everything must be piling on top of him and he was sinking.

Now that I think about it, Sap has been doing everything front planning my funeral to paying for George's treatment...

they were both breaking it's just Sapnap did a better job at hiding it.


780 Words

Drink some water <3 

I accidentally wrote "After shitting through the door" at first so oops

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