Chapter 1: The Accident

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I pick up the keys from the kitchen table and slip on my converse, getting ready to go to the store. I make my way to the front door, passing George who was scrolling through his phone on the couch and I give him a short kiss "Bye, babe I'm off now, love you" I smile at him in adoration as he mumbles "Bye, Love you too Oli" without looking away from his phone, too captivated by Twitter. I open the front door to be disappointed by a cloudy sky and heavy rain, I groan as I lift my hood up, preparing to run to the car.

After getting into my car I sigh at the cold raindrops littering my clothes, promptly blasting the heater and turning my windshield wipers one. The car starts with a low grumble as I begin to make my way to the grocery store. After taking the same monotonous route weekly, I have memorised the short trip with ease and take a left as I approach the expected ASDA.

My eyebrows furrow in confusion as my eyes land on the mound of construction materials blocking the driveway to the parking lot of the store. I then notice the worker holding up a sign and directing cars to drive to the back of the store to get in and make a turn in the direction of the fluorescent sign's arrow. 

The rain lashed against the windshield of my navy blue car as I drove down the busy one-lane highway. I could feel the wheels slipping unsteadily on the wet pavement but that was normal. I peered through the front window doing my best to see ahead of me but the rain only got heavier and the windshield only got smothered in rain more.

Rain was coming down in torrents and I decided that it was getting way too dangerous to continue so I began looking for a spot I could pull over into. The windshield wipers whipped back and forth over the window, pathetically attempting to clear away the rain that was clinging to the glass. I looked out my side window, finally finding an empty spot I could park in and began slowing down.

Two blinding lights suddenly blazed ahead and I snapped my head forward at the sight. I realised that the lights belonged to a car, a car that was speeding towards me from the opposite direction. With no room to veer left or right out of the oncoming vehicles way, I slammed my brakes in a panic. I turned the car so the passenger's side was facing the oncoming car, hoping I wouldn't take the brunt of it.

The car's screeching brakes and the tires skidding on the wet pavement shattered the sounds of the heavy downpour. I felt the car spin out of control towards the oncoming car and suddenly George came to my mind. It felt like a final moment, a last word.

A huge blow hit the car and it seemed like an immense weight was thrown on me. My whole body throbbed in pain and the last thing I saw was a waterfall of glass cascading down on me before everything went black and a ringing in my ears played.

It was like I was floating away into complete and utter darkness.


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