The mind is one part of humans that is powerful. Many people believe that it is the mind that conceives what the physical body does. Historically, many philosophers say that the part of humans is divided into two: mind and physical body. These coincide with the two wombs as treated here. In growth and functions, the mind plays a vital role. From the decisions we make to the actualization, we have our minds all through.
Thus, we should never take our mind with levity. Sometimes, we wonder where bad and good thoughts come from because we literally are not always voluntarily conjuring them. The thing is that we must have, in a way, interacted with any of the good or bad that has brought the thoughts. Don't be surprised when they become reality. The mind is very powerful. Oftentimes we are faced with the decisions of doing what we want to but end up not doing it. Well, we need to communicate with the two wombs before we stage our thoughts. We must not act irrationally when we want to do things because we know the right and the wrong. Our mind could help us manage things. It is the seat of thoughts.
The mind being a battlefield talks about the fact that it wrestles with bad and good thoughts. It is the place where we assume some things are happening. There are instances where there is nothing happening but we are just depressed by what is going on in the mind. But you see, we have the ability to control things based on our minds. We could decide to do things when we want. There are instances where it could be extremely difficult to actually do what we would love to do. Sexual desire is one thing that happens to a mature man. It feels as if one didn't even think before it happened. The point is that we conceived it in our mind. Our conception needs the body to actualize it. Thus, we could still control things based on our mind. We don't just act. We think before acting.
The joint working of the mind and body leads to physical actions. The brain is what is agreed to be the physical mind. In other words, the brain is what we could see as our mind. The brain is the seat of our thinking system. When the brain is working, the mind is working. In the case of annoyance, we might also think our physical body has preeminence over our mind. The mind is still there only if we could take time to pay attention to its dictates. It could be split seconds of thought but the brain is still there.
Afflictions and every kind of spiritual attacks most times affect our minds. It feels as if they are powerful. The truth is, most times they affect our thinking patterns to make us believe some things. These things are sometimes what creates the issues within us. Things that have happened to people in the past might have been controlled by their own experiences. We need to be careful of how we take advices from people. Our minds are liable to be influenced. We need to guard against jealousy.
The good news is that we can control things. It is in us. It is in our strength to listen to it before taking decisions and acting out.
The Forbidden Fruit
Espiritual**The Forbidden Fruit is a book that sheds keen insight into the life of man through the lenses of apt biblical interpretation.**It explores how man exists for a purposeful life. And how eating The Forbidden Fruit of living a life conscious of evil...