We have two wombs as humans. You're wondering - two wombs? Yes. Well, this is emphatically true of the female human. However, the man has a womb too. So it is one womb in the man and two in the woman. To the general world, there is just one obvious womb and that is literally the womb found in women where a baby grows for nine months before being born – that counts! The second womb which is present in both the man and woman is the spinal medulla. The medulla is found just below the brains at the back of the head. It is the lowest part of the brain that connects the brain to the spinal cord. The second womb can be regarded as the mind. Hence, the two wombs we have as humans give the understanding first about our physicality and second, about our consciousness and being.
It is not news that both rational and irrational animals can make use of the first womb to create physicality and make babies. Through your sexuality, you can create trees pleasant to the eyes who are young gardens. Nevertheless, the second womb is so peculiar that it takes animals built with brains, consciousness and a sense of living which is above instinct, to explore and utilize. Allegorically, just as the first womb needs to be made fertile by the introduction of the semen, this second womb can only be made productive when it develops in strength, willpower, consciousness and reasoning. This is why it is impossible for animals to take a hold of their desires and irrational thoughts – they do not have a developed and productive second womb.
You might say – it is obvious that the first womb receives sexual matter from the male in order to reproduce, how then is this second womb fecundated? – So, how is the second womb fertilized? To make the second womb fruitful, we must understand the underlying principle of physicality as pertaining to the first womb. For the first womb to be fertilized, two polarities meet, that is, the man and a woman. The man and woman must both be sexually engaged, harnessing their sexual power, matter and potential in order to fecundate that womb, thereby creating a garden fetus – a pregnancy.
In the same vein, the second womb requires that we harness the two polarities of life – the good and the bad – propelling strength over the weakness. The fruitfulness of the mind is hinged on mental strength and certain motivations. As much as these factors can be inherent, it can be derailed by other frivolities of life. Our personality, life activities, likes and dislikes, emotions, ego, thought pattern, education, environment, and perception can either mar or make the womb's productivity. Seeking the good in all of the outlined factors above and channeling it towards psychological productivity will help fecundate the second womb – our mind.
The Forbidden Fruit
Spiritual**The Forbidden Fruit is a book that sheds keen insight into the life of man through the lenses of apt biblical interpretation.**It explores how man exists for a purposeful life. And how eating The Forbidden Fruit of living a life conscious of evil...