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(5 yrs old)
I woke up to the sound of glass shattering and a shrill scream. I jumped out of bed and told tubbo to stay there. I ran over to the sound and I see dad holding a broken bottle, and Q bleeding out from his head, holding it in pain.
"That's it. I'm leaving" Q says
"What?! You can't just leave!! We have kids!" Dad shouts
"Yes I can! I'm taking tubbo and leaving!" Q shouts back
"You can't just do that!!" Dad shouts again
"Then I'll take y/n!!" Q screams
"No! Just go" schlatt says
Q grabs my hand and squats down.
"Listen squirt, I have to go. But I'm sure I'll see you again." He looks around himself and hands me a duck plushie. Q has wings similar to a duck, so his nick name was duckie. I also have small wings.
"Here. Something to remind you of me" he says
He pats my head and stand up. I follow him back to my room. He wakes up tubbo and tells him to get changed. They got ready and Q gave me a huge hug. I said bye to tubbo and they left.
I watched them leave until I couldn't see them anymore. Schlatt picked me up and brought me inside. I ran to my room and cried into my pillow, about an hour passes and dad comes into my room. He sits on my bed and pats my back. I sat up my face all red.
"Why'd you do that dad?" I ask still crying
"I didn't want to. I'm so so sorry" he says
He grabs me and pulls me into a hug. I cried into his chest for a good thirty minutes.
"Wanna go watch a movie?" He asks
I nod and he carries me to the living room. The room permanently smells like cigarettes. He sets me on the couch and he grabs a bottle of booze.
"Dad!" I say grabbing the bottle out of his hand
"Right. Sorry" he says I set the bottle on the coffee table and I sit back down on dads lap. He turns on a movie and I fell asleep quickly.
I woke up to dad passed out on the floor the bottle of booze empty next to him. I sigh and attempt to wake him. He jumps awake and I tell him to go to his room. I held his hand and guided him to his room. He sits on his bed and passes out again. I clean the area where he was sleeping last night. I played in my room until dad woke back up. He got out of his room.
"Good morning" I say
He grabs a cigarette out of his pack and was about to walk away.
"Dad! You promised!" I say
"I know honey. I need this" he says
He walks outside and smokes his cig. He was out there for an hour and thirty minutes, but I got tired so I fell asleep on the couch.

Dad Schlatt AU Where stories live. Discover now