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i woke up and took a shower, i probably wasn't gonna see tommy today. i was incredibly upset.
"y/n? wanna go for a walk?" i hear wilbur ask
"yeah! one second!" i say putting my shirt on
i walk out of the room to see wilbur waiting with his raven.
i wanted to visit dream today, but without wilbur. we walked out of the house, but we passed tommy, we looked at each other as i passed by.
i asked wilbur if he would talk with tommy for a bit while i visit dream, and he agreed. i walked over to the prison. i went through security and soon enough was in dreams sight.
"Y/N!!!" he shouts excitedly
i walk over to him and smile
"hi dream" i say
he goes in for a hug but i reject it.
"i'm not here for hugs" i say
he pulls away and frowns
"i've been meaning to ask you this" i say
"what is it?" he asks
"why are you so obsessed with tommy?" i ask
"obsessed?! i'm not obsessed!!" he says
"i mean he can be annoying, but he's just a kid" i say
"just a kid?! tommy is......he's everything!!" he says
i was a bit spooked out
"then why do you hate him" i ask
*haha* "i don't hate tommy! i love him" he says (not as a ship.)
"you're a physco" i say
he stares at me laughing
"stop that" i say
he stops laughing and looks away
"i'm gonna get going" i say getting up
"oh uh say hi to wilbur for me" he says
"bye dream, stay safe" and say
i walk out of the prison and grab wilbur away from tommy. we walk around.
"dream says hi." i say
"does he really?! my hero said hi to me!!" he asks
"you're not that special man"i say
"y/n!! wait!" i hear
i turn around and see tommy.
"i- i wanted to apologize for last night. i realized i had no right being made, it was just an opinion i disagreed with. so...i made you this" he says pulling a crocheted sweater
i grab it
"thanks tommy, this means a lot" i say smiling
"okay! bye y/n! you too wilbur" he says skipping off
"god he's adorable" wilbur says (YOU GUYS ARE ALL SIBLINGS DONT MAKE IT WEIRD)
"isn't he?" i say still smiling
"he's been through so much, but he always seems to keep my spirit up" i say 
"i never get that feeling" he says
"that's cause you never hung out with us as kids" i say
we stayed silent until we got home.

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