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(15 yes old. Almost 16)
I got up and wanted to visit Tubbo, so like usual I grabbed a fruit of some kind and started walking. I got there and knocked. No one answered.
"Q! TUBBO!!" I yell
Then the door opens
Tubbo was there. He just shook his head
"Nows not the time y/n" he says
"Why? What happened?" I ask
He opens the door a little wider and I see Q and dad??? Yelling at each other.
Schlatt noticed me off the corner of his eye and smirked.
"Y/n!!! How are you doing??" He asks approaching me
"I'm uh I'm fine" I say taking a few steps back
He grabs me arm and forces me into a hug. I immediately push away.
"What? You won't hug an old pal??" He asks
"This 'old pal' didn't care for me as a kid" I say
He removes the smirk off of his face and rolled his eyes.
Q made eyes like 'you should go'
I just shook my head. Schlatt walks over to Q and puts a hand on his shoulder.
"Listen. I couldn't care for y/n. I had no money, and since you left I couldn't take care of her." He says
I turn my head towards tubbo. He was plugging his ears. I grabbed his arm gently and was about to walk out the door.
"ILL TALK TO YOU LATER" schlatt yells from the house.
I decided to take tubbo for a walk, he was 15, but younger than me.
I took a walk and it was kinda silent.
"How'd he find us?" I ask him
He just shrugs. I look at him from the side of my eyes
"What's wrong?" I ask
"Nothing." He says
"Hey listen, if your worried abt schlatt, don't be the worse he could do would've with his words. And if he does worse I'll make sure he won't be seen again" I say
"Right" Tubbo says
I smile at him and we finish the walk. We sat outside of the house and waited for Q to come out.
"You guys can come in" he says
I look at tubbo confused
"But what about Schlatt??" I ask
"It's fine, we've worked things out"  he says
We get up and go into the house. Schlatt was sitting on the couch.
"Actually, I think I'm gonna head home" I say
"No youre not" Q says
"You're gonna be polite and talk with schlatt, while I have a conversation with tubbo" he says
"But I should really get going, I promised tech I'd be there in an hour, and I only have a few minutes" I say
"I don't care y/n. Talk with him" he says quietly
I sigh and sit down.
"Sooo" I say
"Whats been happening?" He asks
"Well. Since you left me, I live with Phil now. He's practically my dad now, and wil, Tommy, and tech are my siblings." I say
"Sounds nice" he says
"WhT have you been doing." I ask dreading his answer
"Stuff." He says
"That's it?" I ask
"Why do you care?" He asks
"Whatever. I'm going home" I say
"Ah ah ah. Quackity said no" he says
"I really could care less" I say
I grab my shoes and walk out of the house.
"Y/n??" I hear Q say
"Sorry. I can't stay any longer in a room with that man" I say
I give him a hug and walk home. I got home and flopped on the couch.
"Rough day?" Tommy asks me sitting on my legs
"Extremely" I say
He hands me the glass of water that was in his hand.
"How so?" He asks
"My dad- Schlatt, came back" I say
"?? Came back?" He asks
"Yeah. He's in Q and tubbos house right now" I say
"Is tubbo okay??" He asks
"He's fine. I'm sure he'll be here to sleep over tonight" I say
Tommy leans his head back.
"Is phil home?" I ask
"Nah, everyone's gone right now" he says
"Oh" I say
He nods. I rest my head on the couch arm and we sat there.

Dad Schlatt AU Where stories live. Discover now