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(three weeks later)
i stand by the prison, it burning in flames. i stare tears running down my face slowly.
he won. dream got out.
i run over to tommy's house the rain soaking my socks, my tears fall down as i run.
everything smelled as if the world was burning down. tommy's house was...also burned down.
"TOMMY?!?" i scream
i run over to the back of his house and break into the burning building, i sprint over to his living room. i see him in the floor couching and screaming.
i immediately lift him up, i got so many bad burns, but my only concern was getting tommy out of the house. i grab shroud and tommy and run out of the door, my arm getting badly burned.
once we were in safe distance from the house i set them both down.
tommy lays on the floor lifeless. i grab his head and rub his cheek.
"it's okay tommy. you can go now." i say
"dad?" shroud asks
i pat his head
"dad can't be here much longer" i say my tears falling onto tommy's chest.
tommy takes his last breath and i sob. shroud tried his best to comfort me.
i pick tommy up and bring him over to las nevadas. my dad sees me with tommy in my arms and brings me over to a room.
i set tommy down on a bed. i knew he couldn't come back.
"cmon shroud, let's go" i say carefully picking him up.
we walk away, my body still burning. the first thing i had to do was find wilbur.
i assumed he'd be waiting for me at my house, so that's where i went. i walk over and see him smoking right outside the door.
i grab the cigarette and stomp on it. i tell shroud to go inside and sleep.
"wilbur. what the fuck is wrong with you" i say
"it's what had to be done. you have no one but yourself to blame. you should've been there for him" wilbur says
"t- that's not true! thanks to you my best friend is dead. i- i can't even believe you!" i shout 
"dead?" he asks
"dead?!!!!" i scream
"y/n i didn't mean to kill him-" he says
"i don't care!!! the act is done!" i shout
he walks away and i slam my door. i see shroud sleeping on my couch.
i was numb. i could feel anything. i sit next to him and stare out of the window, still seeing the flames and ashes.
my eyes got droopy and i fell asleep.
'why me.'
i woke up to shroud poking my cheek
"miss y/n? where's dad?" he asks
"dad can take care of you anymore. i'm your mom now" i say
"but i want daddy!!!" he complains
"daddy's gone honey" i say
"I WANT DADDY!" he shouts
he storms off.
"shroud! cmon!" i say chasing after him
i grab his arm and he rips it away
"where's daddy?" he asks crying
"daddy's gone!!" i shout
shrouds lip quivers
"i didn't mean to yell-" i say
"sweetie, tommy's is gone gone." i say
i pick shroud up to go over to tubbos, but on my way there...
"daddy!" i hear shroud say
i turn around and see a floating figure who seems confused. i get a closer look, it was tommy.
"tommy???" i ask
"hi! who are you?" he asks
"you mean...you don't remember me?" i ask
"i don't believe i've seen you before!" he says
"tommy? it's me. y/n" i say
"i'm sorry! i don't remember you" he says
he looks at shroud and smiles
"shroud!" he says hugging him
"tommy?!" i say
"y/n was it?" he asks
"y- yeah. cmon shroud" i say
"oh he can stay with me!" tommy says playing around with him
"i'm not leaving a kid with some ghost." i say
i grab shroud out of his hands
"that's my kid tho" he says grabbing him back
"...sorry" i say
"wait. show me your shirt" tommy says
he looks at my shirt
"we have matching pins!!" he says
"i know." i say
"y/n. y/n? y/n!!" he says
"yeah?" i ask
"Y/N ITS ACTUALLY YOU" he shouts grasping me into a hug
i hesitantly hug back
"let's go find tubbo!!"

the end. ...??


Dad Schlatt AU Where stories live. Discover now