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I hear a ringing in my ears. Everything was pitch black.
"Y/n? Y/n!!" I hear
I shoot up and look around myself. I see a table and two chairs surrounding it.
"Y/n?" I hear
But no one was there.
Suddenly I see a bright light...two bright lights? A train? It was red and blue. I stare at the conductor.
...was that...Dream?
I get onto the train, but when I opened the door, Dream wasn't there.
"Hello?" I ask
The sound of a guitar started playing, it was muffled. Then I hear a voice. It sounded like Wilbur. I rushed off the train and followed the voice, until it got louder. Then at that same table I see Wilbur. Playing the guitar.
"Y/n?" He asks
I stare at him in disbelief.
"Wilbur?!!" I shout
I run up to him and give him a hug.
"Sorry kiddo" he says
I give him a confused look. But then I woke up.
"Y/n!" I hear
I wake up and see philza and techno surrounding me. I couldn't sit up due to intense pain in my stomach. I look down and see me wrapped up in bandages. My wings were all messed up.
"Are you okay??" Phil asks
"I- I think so?" I say
He smiles at me.
"Do you remember who did this to you?" Techno asks
"N- no I don't. Sorry." I say
I really don't remember.
"You're fine." He says
He exits the room and Tommy rushes in.
"Y/n!!!" He shouts
He give me a hug, but philza pulls him away.
"Tommy, she's in critical condition, please restrain from touching her stomach area" he says
"Right sorry" Tommy says
"You're fine mate, y/n just call me when you need me" Phil says leaving the room.
I nod slowly.
"So. What happened?" Tommy asks
"I'm not sure" I say
"What do you mean??" He asks
"I don't remember" I say
He sits down next to me.
That's all he said. I close my eyes.
"I can't. I don't remember" I say
"Try" he says again
"It's not as easy as it seems" I say
"Just try" he says
I close my eyes and think.
'What happened'
"I- I remember dream taking me out for coffee." I say
"Dream?" He asks
"Yeah..." I say
Phil comes back in the room and hands me a cup of tea.
"Phil? How did she get here?" Tommy asks
"Dream brought her here, he was in tears when he returned her" he says and then leaves
My eyes widen
"Dream...saved me?" I ask
Tommy looks at me.
"That can't be true" he says
I stare back.
"Idk." I say
He runs my back and leaves the room, leaving me alone. It was dark out now, but I wasn't tired.
i stayed up all night thinking about how dream saved me...but how'd i get hurt?
i stayed up until the sun rose, the first to visit was tubbo.
"hey y/n!" he says
"hey tubbo" i say smiling
"i brought you breakfast in case you're hungry" he says
"nah, i feel sick" i say
he sets the plate down
"i actually could use a favor" i say
"okay!" he says
"will you get dream for me?" i ask
"why him?" he asks
"i need to thank him" i say
"right." he says
he nods and exits the room, a few moments pass by and i see dream being shoved into the room.
he stares at me and smiles. but he seemed nervous.
"sooo." he says
"you probably know why you're here" i say
"listen y/n-"
i cut him off
"thank you." i say
"for what?" he asks
"saving me. phil said you brought me here" i say
"oh...uhmm right! you're welcome" he says
i reach my arms out for a hug.
"oh i don't really do hugs" he says
"please? just be careful" i say
he sighs and slowly wraps his arms around me. we stay in that position for a minute or so.
"i should get going" he says
"oh, okay" i say
he walks out of the room. i got tired and fell asleep.

Dad Schlatt AU Where stories live. Discover now