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i woke up still in phil's arms. he smiles down at me.
"sorry" i say sniffling and getting up
"you're all good. tommy woke up" he says
"he did?!" i asks excitedly
i run over to the room and open the door, i see tommy squinting his eyes.
"tommy!!" i shout
i run over to him and give him a huge hug. he pats my back and i let go.
"i'm so happy to see you awake, you have no idea how worried i was" i say
"can you speak up a bit?" he asks.
"oh, uh yeah!" i say a bit louder
"sooo, do you know what happened exactly?" he asks
"dream came around and we ran away, but you lost a large amount of blood and passed out. then ponk came over and gave you a prosthetic" i say
"oh" he says
"that's not fair" he says
"i know tom." i say i place my hand on his back and he rips it away.
"you can go now" he says
"wait- what?" i ask
"please!" he asks tears forming
i nod slowly and run out of the room. i sat in the hallway until i see phil go into the room, i walked behind him. tommy was asleep. i sat next to him as the sky dimmed dark, the snow falling slowly.
it was winter, and christmas was just a few days away. i waited for tommy to wake up.
"hi :)" i say
he grunts in pain.
"take it easy" i say
he attempts to get up using my crutch. he just went away like noting happened. he wasn't used to the prosthetic yet.
—— (ranboo and tubbos wedding day).
i got up and get dressed into my suit, the theme was 'forest' so i got the best suit i could find.

i did my make up and rushed over to tubbos house

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i did my make up and rushed over to tubbos house. i knocked and tubbo answered.
"y/n!!" he says hugging me
"you look great tubbo!!" i say
he smiles at me.
"are you ready!?" i ask
"i'm so ready y/n" he says
we walk over to the aisle and the whole crowd cheered. we walk down the aisle and tubbo stands next to ranboo.
"bla bla bla"
a few minutes later.
"you may now hug the bride" the guy says
(hugging not kissing :)"
everyone cheers as they hug. tubbo looks at me and hugs me as well. they walk off and we all go home. (sorry that was short)
i got to technos and tommy was sitting on the couch.
"how was the wedding?" he asks
"i'm still confused on why you didn't go" i say
"i don't think tubbo likes me" he says
"but he invited you?" i ask
"i know" he says
i turn on the lights on the christmas tree and sit next to tommy. he rests his head in my shoulder and sighs.
(reminder; tommy is a BROTHER and so is tubbo!)
"i wish my leg was still there" he says
"i know tom, believe me." i say
he rolls up his pant leg and bangs on his prosthetic.
"i'm literally a robot" he says laughing
"well that's one way to look at it" i say smiling
"yeah" he says
"should i visit tubbo?" he asks
"whatever you're comfortable with" i say
then phil came into the room
"hi phil" i say
he smiles
"hi mate" he says
"dadza!!" tommy says
he smiles and waves
"i'm going out for today to see ranboo, stay safe" he say
"okay, bye phil love you!" i say
"bye phil!" tommy says
the second he leaves tommy goes back into his relaxed mood.
"i should get going" i say
"oh alright" he says
"bye tom" i say
he smiles at me
"bye" he says

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