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i woke up to wilbur cooking in my kitchen.
"wil? what are you doing?" i ask walking into the kitchen.
"cooking! want something?" he asks
"i'm good. we should probably meet up with tommy soon. i promised i would, and i'm not leaving you alone." i say
"why??" he asks
"we always meet up on saturdays" i say
"i'm gonna take a smoking break." he says
he raven looks at me and shrieks, wilbur swats him away.
"so what is that raven anyway?" i ask
"he helps me scare off crows." he says
"crows?? phil always has crows by him." i say confused
"i know." he says
i grabbed a cup of water and i walked over to tommy's house with wilbur. i knock and tommy answered.
"y/n!!! i have someone i... want... you to meet." tommy says
"why's he here?" he asks
"i couldn't leave him alone." i say
"he's not welcome into my house" he says
"tommy! big lad! let's catch up!" wilbur says
tommy looks at me shakily
"f- fine." he says
he grabs my hand and we walk into the house.
"SHROUD!!" tommy yells
i see a human/spider hybrid walk over to tommy.
"y/n this is shroud...my kid." he says
"your kid!!!!" i shout happily
"yeah!" he says
shroud holds out a hand with a rock in it and hands it to tommy.
"aww thank you so much bud" he says
he puts the rock in his pocket
"so? when did this happen!!" i ask excited
"a little bit ago. right after i got out" he says
"this is so exciting!!" i say
"do you like his sweater?" tommy asks lifting him up and onto his lap.
"it's adorable, it's looks like your old cardigan." i say
"i made it for him" he says
"that's amazing!" i say
"when did you lead how to knit?" wilbur asks annoyed
"it's crotchet actually, and i learned it after i got out of prison, the brain damage made it so i can't walk too well." he says
tommy carries around a cane now.
"i have to go to the bathroom" wilbur says getting up
"shroud? that's his name?" i ask
"yeah" he says
"they're adorable" i say
he smiles at me
"well i'm gonna get going. bye tommy! bye shroud!" i say
"wave bye shroud" tommy says
he lifts his hand and waves bye.
"WILBUR!! CMON" i yell
he walk out of the bathroom and we leave.
"you should help me break dream out of prison" he says
"what?! no!" i say
"dream saved me...he also saved you? didn't he?" he asks
"... i guess." i say
"so then why not help me sister?" he asks
"i can't." i say
"why not??" he asks
"if tommy ever figured out he'd kill me. so would tubbo." i say
"oh my god y/n. you're no fun!! sometimes you just gotta live life!" he says
"i am living my life!?" i screech
"living your life?! how is living your life taking care of your brother and friends?"he asks
"..... . .. ?"
"i- i don't know." i say hesitantly
"exactly. you can't be everyone's caretaker. sometimes you gotta say no" he says
i couldn't believe what was coming out of his mouth.
"wil. you don't understand. it's not that easy" i say
"sure it is!" he says
"no it's not" i say
"i don't want to fight, let's just call it a night." he says
"actually. let's go visit las nevadas, i wanna take tommy to see it" i say
"meaning we get to see quackity??" he asks
"oh uh yeah my dad will be there" i say
we redirect back to tommy's and he says yes, then we walked over to las nevadas.
"DAD!!" i shout walking onto a road
he climbs out of a building and smiles at me.
"y/n! it's always a pleasure seeing you here." he says
he looks by me and sees wilbur and tommy.
"oh." he says
"i thought we would stop by and say hi" i say
wilbur smirks and tommy waves happily.
tommy runs off excitedly and wilbur immediately gets into a fight with quackity.
"Wil!! look how pretty it is!!! wil look!!! wil!!" tommy says
"SHUT UP TOMMY" wilbur shouts
i see tommy's face drop and his excitement turns into nothing.
"how about we go look around together?" i ask
he nods and we walk away, the stars were out and we made our way onto a super high roof.
"so. what do you think?" i ask
"it's amazing!!" he says
"it took my dad years" i say gazing at the stars
"wilbur seemed mad." he says
"meh. you just need to learn how to ignore it" i say
"have you ever wondered what life would be like without dream?" he asks
"...i kinda miss him?" i say
"miss him!!?" tommy asks
"he was kind to me. i know he was a jackass to you but...i liked him" i say
"you liked him!!? like what?? when he ripped off my leg? making me need a fucking cane now?!!or made me partially deaf? or how about him killing you! or him almost killing tubbo?!!" he shouts
"i know!" i scream
"believe me i grew up with an abusive dad that cared for no one but himself. i'm just saying that i miss dream!! he was nice to me!" i say
"whatever. good night." he says getting up and walking away
i sigh and hug my knees still looking at the stars
"goodnight." i say

Dad Schlatt AU Where stories live. Discover now