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i sat at my house shaking my leg and waiting until i heard a knock at my door. then...i did. i jumped off of the couch and i opened the door. sure enough dream and wilbur were standing there.
"...hey y/n" dream says awkwardly
"what's up" i ask
"we need a place to stay" wilbur says
"and why do you think i'll let you stay here?" i ask
"i know what you guys are doing. you're trying to attack las nevadas." i say
"no. we're not. our plan is to stay safe" dream says inviting himself into my house
i was hesitant. and i wasn't sure about his idea.
"you guys have until the end of the week to find somewhere else to stay." i say
"fine." wilbur says taking a puff of his cigarette
i rip the cigarette out of his hand
"what did i say about smoking in my house." i say
he rolls his eyes.
dream wonders my house for a while.
"i need to go check up on tommy. don't do anything while i'm gone" i say in a threatening voice.
i get my coat and walk over to tubbos house. i knock on the door, and tommy answers.
"how are you doing" i ask smiling
he sighs
"i just want to know when i'm going to be safe" he says
i walk inside and see shroud and michael playing around together. tubbo was calming ranboo down still.
i walk over to them
"are you guys okay?" i ask
"ranboo won't calm down." tubbo says
i sit down next to ranboo
"i've tried everything" he says
"ranboo.look at me." i say
he turns his head, steam burning his face.
i use my shirt and wipe his face off.
"you need to stop crying. it's all okay. my father and i will be trying our best, and i need you to be a role model right now." i say
i look over at tommy who was getting a bit angry with a shroud.
"promise me you'll remain calm?" i ask
he nods
"i promise." he says taking a deep breath
i smile at him
i walk over to tommy and shroud, and then i see shroud hide behind tommy leg.
"what?" i ask
"hes saying that he feels as if someone he doesn't know is here. which is ridiculous." tommy says
"it's not ridiculous!! i know someone is here!!" shroud yells
there was to much for me to handle.
"tommy can i talk with you? in private?" i ask
he nods hesitantly and i bring him outside.
"what's up?" he asks
"...i have to go. please make sure they're all safe." i say
"just...please. don't let him hurt me again." he says his eyes filling up with tears
"i promise." i say 
then i just walk away. when i got home techno was there too.
"what the hell??" i say
techno looks at me
"dream. come here." i say
i pull him privately out of my room
"what do you want from me." i say holding tears in
"what do you mean? i don't want anything from you" he says
"then why are you here? to manipulate me?" i ask
"i'm here because i need a place to stay" he says
"i understand that. but what if tommy finds out." i ask
"tommy won't find out. and i'll make sure of it." he says placing a hand on my shoulder
i slap his hand off
"what do you mean you'll make sure of it?" i ask
"nothing." he says grabbing his hand
"don't touch him." i say
"i wasn't going to!" he says
i shoot him a threatening look
"go to bed." i say
"y/-" i cut him off
"just sleep" i say crying
i slowly walk out of the house and sit on my porch sobbing.
who's side was i on? why me? what about my dad?
i thought. i hear the door open and i wipe my tears immediately. looking behind me i see techno
"you alright kid?" he asks sitting next to me
"i'm great!" i say smiling
"i could hear you crying from inside." he says
" you must've heard wrong" i say
"listen. kid. i grew up with you everyday of my life. i know your emotions when i see them. you're clearly not doing okay." he says
i jump into his arms sobbing into his chest, he sorta just awkwardly pat my head. a few minutes pass and i'm still crying, just not as hard.
"how about you go get some sleep." techno suggests
"i can't." i say
"i'll stay with you until you sleep. i promise." he says
he gets up and helps me up. we walk over to my room and i see dream laying on the floor. techno grabs a chair and pulls it next to my bed. i lay down to the sound of a pen writing on paper.
"goodnight" i hear techno whisper
as his footsteps get quieter i drift into a deep sleep.
i woke up the next day dreading to get up.
but eventually i had to.
i got out of bed and no one was home, i walked over to las nevadas and was greeted by purpled.
"hi!! how can i help you?" he asks
"is my dad around?" i ask
"he's in his office." he says
"right. thanks" i say putting a twenty dollar bill on the desk.
i walk over to his office and knock.
"come in!" i hear
i open the door and see him sitting at his desk, a deck of cards in front of him. he was playing against wilbur.
"can i help you?" dad asks
"i was just making sure you were okay." i say
"i'm a bit busy right now y/n, how about we talk later." he says
i walk out of his office and went onto the roof. same spot we're tommy and i were. but i wasn't expecting who i saw up there.
it was dream.
"dream?? what are you doing up here." i ask
"the view." he says
"can i sit?" i ask
he nods. we sat in silence.
"i'm sorry." he says out of nowhere
how do i respond to that
he gets up and leaves
"dream wait." i say getting up and walking behind him
"...i'm sorry?" i say
i definitely didn't like dream...but i felt bad. why? why did i feel bad?
he smirks and walks away. i stayed up there all day, but eventually i got exhausted and went to walk home. but i ran into dad.
"what was it you needed to talk about?" he asks
"nothing anymore" i say walking away.
i got home and flopped onto the couch.
"i made tea if you want some." wilbur says
"i'm good." i say

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