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one week later.
i followed dream as he spat out nasty things about quackity. he was clearly upset.
"what is wrong with him?!"
"dream shut up." i say
he turns around
"your dads a jackass" he says
"believe me i know. but to be real you did threaten his country" i say
"i did not!!" he yells
"yes you did" i say
he groans and slaps his hands onto his face.
"let's go home" i say
we walk over to my house. techno wasn't there but wilbur was alseep.
"wilbur?!" i shout at him
it was like 5pm
he jumps awake.
"what?" he complains
"you've been sleeping all day!! i have to go visit tommy. i don't want you guys going anywhere while i'm gone." i say
i walk over to tommy's house and knock. no answer. odd.
i went over tubbos house and knock, tubbo answered thinking it was tommy.
"have you seen tommy?" he asks
"i was just about to ask the same thing" i say
"i'll go look." i say
i walked over to las nevadas. no luck.
"where is he?" i say to myself
i went everywhere. i checked all over. no trace.
that's when i thought of the exile place, i boated one over there and looked around

"tommy??" i ask
he was nowhere. that's when i heard sniffling
i walk behind a bush and see tommy holding shroud crying, shroud was trying to comfort him.
"tommy? are you okay?" i ask
"i didn't come here." he says wiping his eyes
"what do you mean?" i ask
"i woke up here." he says
i grab his hand
"we need to get you somewhere safe. how about you stay with puffy for a bit?" i ask
he nods
"can shroud stay with you? i don't want to be a burden to the kid." he asks
"of course he can." i say
'shit- what about dream and techno' i think to myself
"thanks" he says
i nod and force a smile. we boat back over and he walks over to puffys house. i grab shroud and put him on my shoulders.
"okay shroud buddy, uncle wilbur and techno are both staying with me right now" i say
he smiles
i walk home and realize i really couldn't take care of shroud, so i dropped him off at tubbos.
i got home and sat on my bed hugging my knees. i was so confused. thats when i heard loud booms. i ran outside and didn't see anything...
i didn't see anything??
i sprinted over to las nevadas and see a few buildings in shreds. one of those building just so happen to be the one with my dads office...he was most likely in there.
i ran over to it...he wasn't there.
"DAD?!" i shout
"Y/N?!" i hear i look behind me and see my dad limping over to me
"oh thank god you're alive" i whisper running over to him
"are you okay?? are you hurt??" i ask
"i'm fine." he says
i look down and see blood
"your leg? are you seriously okay?" i ask
"yup!!" he says
i kick his leg and he falls to the ground whining. i let out a chuckle.
"told you." i say laughing
i pick him up and bring him to a standing building. i grab an old t shirt and wrap it around his leg.
"that should do." i say
he makes an awkward face at me.
"was anyone else in those buildings?" i ask
he shakes his head
"good. now. do we know who caused it?" i ask
he shakes his head again but this time hesitantly. i raise an eyebrow
"you know something." i say
"n- no i don't!" he says
"whatever you say boss" i say
it felt weird being in control. i didn't like it.
"i'm going home. give me a call if you need me" i say
i walk out of the room and walk home.
"y/n!!" i hear
i turn around a bit annoyed. i see foolish (in this he's not like 80ft tall)
"what's up?" i ask
"can i meet up with you later?" he asks
"uhhh sure. where?" i ask
"in front of your house tonight, i wanna talk" he says
i nod and smile, then i just walk away. once i got home i sat in the couch right next to techno.
"tubbo came by today." he says
"why?" i ask
"he wanted to drop shroud off" he says
"where is shroud?" i ask
"with wilbur." he says
i look at techno and slap my face. i get up and walk outside behind the house. i see wilbur smoking while shroud was playing in a tree, shroud fell and starts crying.
i stare at wilbur until he notices me there.
"wilbur." i say
his eyes get really big and he stares at me. i look at shroud and back at wilbur.
"the kid?" i ask
he doesn't do anything.
i groan.
i walk over to shroud and lift him up.
"how about we get you a treat huh?" i ask
he sniffles and smiles. i walk back over to wilbur.
"no wonder phil never left you in charge." i say leaving a kick at his shin.
"ow!!" he complains
i walk back into the house, but dream stole my spot.
"move over." i say
he scootches over and i sit down. i was in between dream and techno, while wilbur sat in a chair.
"so...what happened with las nevadas today?" i ask
no one answers me.
"quackity asked me to." wilbur says slowly
"he did what?" i ask giving a confused look
"he said that if i blew it up...he'd be able to get insurance money." he says
"so you're telling me that he blew up half of his country just for money?" i ask
"yeah." he says
i pick up shroud and hand him to dream.
"i'll be right back" i say
"y/n you're going crazy" dream says handing shroud to techno and following behind me
"no i'm not, i need to talk to him" i say
"you're gonna get yourself killed, don't go. let's wait until tomorrow. i'll go with you" he says
"but then he'd know i'm with you guys" i say
"he already knows y/n." wilbur says
"of course he does" i say
"sit down and think about this y/n" dream says
i sit back down next to techno and dream and i place my hands on my eyes. i let out a loud groan.
i was so tired. then i felt someone rubbing my back. i honestly didn't care who it was. but i fell asleep.
i woke up to us sleeping like dominoes. shroud in technos arms, me on top of techno, and dream on top of me.
i sat up, which made dream also wake up.
"i've gotta go for a bit." i say
i had to meet up with foolish.
"ok" dream says falling back alseep.
i got up and walked out of the door. foolish was waiting there.
"hi!!" he says
i look at him
"can we talk now?" he asks
"sure." i say
"follow me." he says
we walk through a jungle, and reach las nevadas. we sit down on the edge of the jungle and sit down, looking out at las nevadas.
"foolish. tell me what happened" i say
"it was quackity. he wanted this to happen. but he needed me to ask you something." he says
"oh?" i ask
"he needs your help. rebuilding it." he says
"over my dead body" i say
"he said he would pay you." he says
"i'm not into money foolish." i say grabbing hold on my sword.
i swing down and point my blade at his neck. i cut my arm in the process
"anything else i should know?" i ask
"n- no m- ma'am" he says
"what about for the future" i ask
"n- no" he says breathing shakily
i push the blade just a bit harder
"okay!! okay! he's going for kinoko kingdom next" he says scared
"when?" i ask
"i- i- i'm not sure" he stutters out
i raise an eyebrow
"you've been a real help foolish. now uh stay quiet for me next time." i say putting my sword away
i walk away and hear his deep breaths as i go back home. i get inside and bandaged my arm then went back to bed.
i woke up to a bang at my door. i got up and answered it.
"y/n!!" tommy says
i smile nervously at him
"can i come in? i'd like to pick up shroud" he says
"uhhh i can just bring him out wait here" i say
i shut the door and pick up shroud
"here!" i say and then shut the door again
i sigh and open it again.
"sorry." i say
he grabs my hand and looks at my arm.
"what happened?" he asks
"i got hurt." i say
"i'm gonna go home. i'll meet you later" he says
i wave bye and shut my door. i waited a few minutes and walked outside.
"Dream let's go!!" i shout
he runs out the door and stands next to me. he gives me a giant smile and puts on his mask. we walk over to las nevadas in silence.
"DAD!" i scream breaking down the door to his office
"y/n! i'm doing much better if that's why you're here" he says smiling
"you know exactly why we're here!!!!" i shout banging into his desk
"i'm afraid i don't." he says
"YOU FUCKER!! this isn't only your country. it's ours. i helped build this. shit i even broke a leg for it! but you careless fuck just hire my brother to blow it up!? and make him seem like the bad guy?!" i scream
"y/n. calm down" he says
"NO!" i scream making my throat burn
"I WONT STOP UNTIL YOU GIVE A FUCK ABOUT ME" i scream slamming the door
dream was leaning against the wall
"that bastard" i whisper
"assuming it went well?" dream chuckles
i look at him with a dead face and let out at small smile.
"let's go out for coffee" he says
i nod and we walk over to my old work shop
"y/n!! i miss seeing you here" niki says
i just nod
"i'll get a iced green tea" i say
"i'll just get a black coffee with a pump of pumpkin syrup" dream says
she makes our drinks and he hands her the money. we sit outside the shop and drink our drinks.
i genuinely had fun.
"hey y/n..." he says
we were walking home
"what's up?" i ask
"are you sure you're okay with this?" he asks
"with what?" i ask
"me. being in your house" he says
"why wouldn't i be?" i ask
"you're not gonna tell anyone right?" he asks
"i promise." i say
"so can we be...friends?" he asks
i felt myself crying.
"y- yes!" i say happily
he chuckles and we get home.
"i've gotta go visit tommy" i say
he waves bye and i walk over to tubbos.
"hey guys!" i say walking in
"y/n! perfect. we have a plan for something" tommy says
"oh what is it?" i ask taking a bit of an apple
"look here" tommy says holding out a paper
it read out
"what's this?"i ask
"we made a plan to kill dream!" he says
"w- what? you can't do that" i blurt out
"why? i thought he wanted us dead??" he asks
"he's changed!" i say
"how do you know?" he asks
"i- i think" i say
"y/n? what is going on?" he asks
"nothing. i feel sick" i say rushing out of the house.
what the fuck am i supposed to do now?

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