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i got over to tommy's house and i see a picnic table all set up, tommy and tubbo were eating together.
"hi y/n!!" i hear tubbo say
"what's up!" i say
i sit down and watch them eat. i wasn't very hungry so i just talked with them. after we finished i helped clean up and walked home. on my way home i ran into karl.
"hey karl!" i say
"hmm? oh uh hi?" he says
"how's dad doing?" i ask
"great!" he says
"uhhh okay? i'll talk with you later" i say
"of course...kiddo?" he says
i walked home and fell asleep.
one year later
tommy told me he was visiting the prison. i let him. every time he's visited nothing bad had happened.
about three hours late the didn't return. the three hours turned into five and then into two days. i walked over to the prison and yelled for sam. he came out of the nether portal.
"hey sam?" i ask
"what's up?" he asks
"have you seen tommy? he came here a few days ago. i haven't seen him since" i say
"no one told you?" he asks
"told me what?!" i ask
"he's stuck in there" he says
"w- what do you mean stuck!?" i ask
"i can't get him out due to emergency" he says
"b-but you don't understand...he's claustrophobic, and he can't even go three days without me or tubbo. you- you have to find someway out." i say
"i'm sorry y/n. that would be against the rules" he says
"woah there. i gonna ask you to leave please." he says
"you know what fine. but i bette the the first one to know when he's out." i say
"fine" he says
i walked next to the prison and sat down. i was going to wait until he got out. i eventually got bored and walked over to tubbos.
i knocked and he answered.
"hi!" he says
"hey tubbo?" i ask
"yeah?" he asks
"i wanna tell you something" i say
"go for it" he says
"tommy's stuck in the prison" i say
"stuck?!" he asks
"why didn't you tell me sooner?" he asks raising his voice
"i didn't know" i say
he slams the door in front of my face. i was speechless. i walked over to dads. i needed to see him. i knocked on the door, and to my surprise he answered.
"y/n!?" he asks
"can i come in?" i ask
"oh! of course!" he says
i sit down at the dinner table and he brings me a warm cup of coffee. he sits across from me and holds his hands together.
"so what did you need?" he asks
"i just would like a place to stay for a while." i say
"but you have your own home?" he asks
"i know...it's just. none of my family likes me anymore...except you? tubbo won't speak to me. tommy can't. techno probably hates me... and phil? he...would care." i say
"you know i'll always be here for you right?" he asks
"you weren't a year ago." i say
"i've changed y/n. how about you go get some sleep" he says
"right." i say

Dad Schlatt AU Where stories live. Discover now