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two days later...
i woke up to dad shaking me.
"y/n??" he asks
i groan
"i have to head out. i just wanted to tell you" he says
"mkay" i say sitting up
he gives me a quick high five and leaves.
i sat on the porch after breakfast and sat there playing with a flower.
"y/n!!" i hear a voice say
i look up and see ghostbur holding his sheep.
"oh hi ghostbur" i say
he smiles at me
"i wanted to say hi to phil!! want to come with me?" he asks
"i'm good, i don't think he'd want to see me" i say
"why do you think that?" he asks
"nothing it's just that my dad tried to kill his son" i say
"oh- well i'm sure you weren't apart of it?" he asks
"yeah...i wasn't" i say
"well cmon then!!" he says
"i'm good ghostbur. i was gonna go to the prison anyways" i say
"alright then. i'll see you around" he says
i give him a kiss on the cheek (because wilbur is your brother)
i walked over to the prison and waited for sam to come out. but when he did he slowly shook his head.
"w- what?" i ask
"he didn't make it..." he says
"who?!" i ask
"to- tommy" he says
i look at him my face quivering.
"i'm so s-" i cut him off
"well maybe if you actually tried to get him out this wouldn't of happened!!! oh and also locking a kid in a cell with his enemy. not a great idea!!!" i shout
"i know y/n" he says quietly
"I COULDNT" he shouts back
"I...i know. he even laughed after he did it...i didn't mean for this to happen." he says
"sure you didn't." i say about to walk away.
"it's not my fault..." he whispers
i ran... no i sprinted over to las nevadas, just to feel my dads arms wrapping around me. i sprinted my tears vertically flying off my face. i reached las nevadas and jumped into my dads arms sobbing.
he was confused but sat there with me.
"are you gonna tell me what happened?" he asks.
"no." i say
"ask sam." i sniffle
he runs my back, i soon fall asleep. but wasn't expecting to be woken up to my dad getting up. he set me on the floor leaving a blanket next to me. i woke up two days later.
i realized that it truly want sams fault and that i should apologize. so i went back to the prison. i waited for sam to come out once again, but this time it wasn't sam. it was tommy?
"tommy??" i ask
"y/n" he says relived
he drops his hands and runs over to me. he hugs me tightly resting his chin on my shoulder.
he had a major black eye and blood all over him.
he passes out in my hands and i carry him to his house, i set him in his couch and sit next to him.
he woke up in a daze, i wiped his face off with a towel, and put ice over his eye.
"y/n??" he asks
"i'm right here. don't worry" i say
"thanks" he says flipping over and going back to sleep.
i waited and waited and waited. but he woke up. fully.
"what happened??" i ask
"a lot. i- i can't" he says
"just keep icing your eye and you should be fine" i say
———- (four weeks later.)
tommy had the stupidest plan ever. he and ghostbur would go into the prison, tommy would be invis and they would kill dream. honestly i didn't believe them... i should've.
it was sunset and i went over to lmanburg just to get something from an old chest. but i see someone sitting on a bench smoking, i assumed it was my dad. so i walked over to them.
"hi da...d?" i ask
i see wilbur? i must be hallucinating. he looked older.
"y/n!? is that you??" he asks standing up holding his arms up
"sorry. i don't do hugs" i say
"cmon you won't hug your own brother?" he asks
i sigh and give him a hug.
"you look great!! let's catch up!" he says
"thanks. you too" i say
he smirks at me
"you should put out that cigarette" i say
he rolls his eyes
"cmon be mature, i'm basically 40" he says
"40?!?" i ask
"yup!" he says
he pats my back and i follow him, he kept on talking about tommy and dream. he had a pet raven now. it would always sit on his shoulders
"i actually remember when you came to visit me" he says
"i want really there for you" i say
"sure you were!!!" he says
"i guess it was a nice break" i say
"you should've seen ghostbur. man that guy was a wreak" he says
"i liked him..." i say
"but i bet you like me more right?" he asks
"yeah." i say
i wasn't totally agains wilbur. i did like him a lot.
"OMG!!we should go visit phil and tech!!" he says
"uhhh, how about we go eat something at my house instead??" i ask
"oh?" he says
"y'know you've really changed. i like the new you" he says
"you didn't like the old me?" i ask
"oh no i did. you just seem...aggressive" he says
"i know. when your brothers all get hurt by the same people i've learned to fight them off." i say
"i respect you for that." he says
"of course you do. yknow after you died, i was literally the only one who buried you?" i say
"i did not now that." he says
"let's start something together" he says
"like what?" i ask
"something minor." he says
"like a shop?" i ask
"yeah! a burger store" he says
"oh" i say
"i'm back for good, i'm here i want to be. let's make it last," he says
"i dont know wil" i say
"look at that sunrise. isn't it pretty?" he asks
"yeah??" i say
"it's mine." he says
"you're crazy." i say
"yeah but at least i'm not a mess. now let's talk about the burger van." he says
"okay" i say
"you should be the cook" he says
"what would you do?" i ask
"nothing!" he says
i furrow my eyebrows
"you really haven't changed." i say
"oh cmon!! give me a smile! like the good ol days" he says
"i'll see you tomorrow wil. i wanna go home." i say
"can i stay the night? i kinda have no place to stay." he says
"ask tommy." i say
i walk away but he chases me and turns me around. i look up at his crazed face.
"it'll be a few nights" he says
"fine. but you get the couch" i say
he nods and i walk over to my house.
"good night" i say
"nighty n/n" he says
i go over to my room and lay on my bed thinking.
"there's NO way wilbur my own brother was revived and in MY house sleeping on MY couch. But...i loved him. so i couldn't say no." i think
"as long as he doesn't cause chaos. we'll be fine."
i close my eyes and fall asleep.

Dad Schlatt AU Where stories live. Discover now