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We run over to tubbos house, overjoyed. i knock as if something horrible was happening.
he practically breaks the door down, and then sees us smiling.
"what happened?" he asks
"AHHHH LOOK!!!!" i scream so freaking loud
i move out of the way and show tommy.
"is that...tommy??" he asks
"hi tubbo!!!" he says
shroud lets out a little squeal, i feel a little bit of pressure on my wings and see shroud pulling in them indicating he wants to be picked up.
i grab his little body and pick him up. 
"well guys...i hate to say this but i'm kinda busy right now, but please come back anytime!!" he says
he shuts the door waving and i don't see tommy.
"tommy? tommy?" i ask
i walk around, shroud still in my arms. i walk around the house...nowhere.
"shroud honey, where's your dad?" i ask
"he's over there!!" he says pointing behind me
i see tommy but this time...he wasn't a ghost? he was a ghost a second ago.
"tommy? what's going on?" i ask
"tommy?! who's that? snap back into reality!" he says
"HELLO?!" i hear
i jump up and look around myself.
then i saw dream
"dream?" i ask
"you passed out like a week ago." he says
"what do you mean i 'passed out'" i ask
"we were talking about how obsessive i was and you passed out" he says
"you mean...everything that just happened wasn't real?" i ask
"i doubt it was real" i hear someone say
i turn around and see techno.
"jesus!" i shout my heart pounding
"oh uh...my bad" he says taking a bite out of his potato
"so can i go now?" i ask
"let's have a little conversation before you leave" dream says
techno sits next to me and dream sits across me.
"so what exactly happened?" i ask
"you just passed out, i don't remember what happened" he says
"not that, how techno got here" i say putting my face into my knees
"i invited him for quackity to stop coming over" he says
"why would my dad come over?" i ask
"...doesn't matter. how are you feeling?" he asks
"i want to go." i say
"it's safer in here" techno says
"i need to see tommy" i say
"i see what you mean." dream says
i stand up and yell sams name.
"y/n??" i hear my dad ask
the lava lowers and i see my dad in full netherite, staring.
"dad? what's going on" i ask
"this doesn't involve you" the bridge moving as he walks
"what do you mean this doesn't involve me" i ask concerned
i look over at dream and see him clearly getting nervous.
i see my dad grab onto his axe
"dad wait." i say
he looks at me in disbelief
"it's not worth it" i say standing up
dream tugs onto my shirt indicating to stop what i was doing.
"because of you were to kill dream or techno...you'd have to kill me first" i say
"what are you doing?!" dream asks
"dad you've caused everyone i know so much pain. killing dream and techno will just stick to you for the rest of your life. you'll NEVER be able to forgive yourself" i say
"i don't have a problem with this" dad says
"you'd kill me? just for a book?" i ask
"i would" he says
"then do it."i say
"excuse you?" he asks
"do it. kill me." i say
"you sound like wilbur." techno says
my face drops and my eyes widen
"oh my god." i say
i look down
"w- what am i doing." i ask
i grab the axe out of my dads hand and throw it into the lava.
dad starts chasing techno around with a sword
"DAD STOP" i shout at him
all of the sudden techno disappears
"what the fuck" quackity asks
"i- i didn't do anything" dream says
"where did he go?!" quackity shouts
i plug my ears immediately
then dream disappears.
"WHAT THE HELL" he shouts
he rushes off and i follow behind him
"quackity?! what did you do!?" sam shouts
"this is all your fault!!" quackity shouts back
"guys calm down!!" i say
"y/n. go get tommy and make sure he's safe" quackity says
i nod and run off to tommy's house. that's when the sirens went off. i bang on the door.
he open it sweating.
"what's happening?" he asks
"come with me." i say
he grabs shroud and we run over to my house.
"you guys will be staying with tubbo for however long this takes" i say packing up a bag for both of them
we run over to their house. tubbo answers it and i hears sobs.
"are you guys okay?" i ask
"we're fine. get in" tubbo say
i see ranboo plugging his ears sitting in the corner. michael was trying to sit on his lap.
"i have to go. but i'll be back tonight" i say giving them both a hug
i sprint off and meet up with my dad.
"if he's going for anything it has to be las nevadas." he says
"i can find him" i say "he must be with wilbur."
"are you sure?" dad asks
i nod. all i needed to do was go home. eventually wilbur would come to me.

Dad Schlatt AU Where stories live. Discover now