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tommy was passed out due to blood loss in my arms. we still had another hour.
"tommy you're gonna stay with my alright?" i ask slight tears in my eyes, i ran as quick as i could to technos and banged on the door, he opened it slowly and saw tommy in my arms
"help us please!!" i shout crying
"what did you do to him?!" he asks
"i- it wasn't me i swear!" i say handing tommy to him
"his leg- he's passed out" i say
techno sets him on the bed and reaches for the phone
"you've done enough" he says to me
"it wasn't me!! i swear!!" i shout
he dials a number and i hold tommy's hand. i waited for techno to stop the call.
"ponk will be here soon" he says
"now tell me what the hell you did to tommy" he says
"IT WASNT ME!" i shout
"just tell me!!" he says
"i don't know what happened!" i shout
he looks at me, then the door opens ponk rushes in. he see the leg and slides onto his knees, he was there for a bit, i kept held of tommy's hand.
"we can't lose him, please" i say to ponk
"i'm trying y/n" he says
i look at tommy and notice his nose bleeding?
"ponk?? is that supposed to happen??" i ask
"no!" he shouts
he immediately did cpr. but i just held tommy's hand .
"techno!! get his leg!" ponk shouts seeing tommy's leg still bleeding out
after five minutes of doing cpr ponk stops.
"ponk?" i ask
he shakes his head. my eyes widen knowing what he meant.
"if he's not awake by tomorrow morning..he's gone" he says
he leaves the house i look at tommy in shock.
"tommy. you listen to me. we can't lose you. i've lost too much. please stay with me. please." i whisper
techno came over and put his hand on my back.
"if he needs to go let him" he says
"he can't go. it's not his time" i say sobbing
techno leaves the room.
"tommy please. i can't lose another family member." i say
i jump to another feeling of hands being placed on me. i look up and see philza.
"hey kid" he say
"PHIL!!" i shout giving him a hug
phil was a father figure. i haven't seen him in forever.
i cried into his chest his wings basically wrapping around me. my wings were...not there anymore. after a solid ten minutes i pull away.
"i'm so incredibly proud of you for trying your best. but if he needs to go...it's his time." he says
i nod and we walk out of the room together. i fell asleep in phil's arms crying.

Dad Schlatt AU Where stories live. Discover now