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(One year later)
I ran over to the van banging on the door. Everyone was surrounding schlatt. Yells and shouts rang out from the windows. I see Tommy stare at me. I watch as schlatt falls to the floor clenching his chest. My eyes widen as he stops breathing. I slowly walk up to him and kneel down.
"Is tubbo okay yet?" I ask quietly
"Y/n..." Dream says putting his hand on my shoulder.
"I asked a question!!" I shout
"N- no" he says
I get up and stare at dreams face...his mask.
"Where's Tommy" I ask
"With tubbo" he says
I nod and walk over. I wasn't sad. Nor was I happy. I walked over to Qs house. I knocked and waited for him to answer. He looked confused when he saw me.
"Just a heads up. Schlatts dead." I say and walk away.
I walked over to Tommy's house and walked in. I see tubbo on the couch. His face still wrapped in bandages.
"How's he doing?" I ask tommy who was making tea
"He hasn't woken up the past 48 hours. I'm getting worried" he says
"I'm sure he's fine. Just wait" I say
I walk over to tubbo and gave him a friendly kiss on one of his bandages. I sat down by his legs and stared at his face. All I could see was his hair.
"Tea?" Tommy asks
"No thanks" I say
He shrugs and takes a sip of his. I ended up falling asleep.

Dad Schlatt AU Where stories live. Discover now