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(one week later.)
today was the day there plan took place. they think that dream is staying with techno, so they're going to attack there. but dream knows. and he's going
"dream wait!" i say rushing down the prime path
"what" he snaps
"just promise me this. please...don't kill them" i say
"i can't promise that" he says adjusting his mask
"please?" i ask
"if they're trying to kill me. if i don't fight back i'll die" he says
"i know dream...just. can you just try?" i ask
he nods and we walk over to technos. i'm there to help tommy and tubbo. but i'm not fighting.
"y/n!!" i hear
i see tommy and tubbo.
"hey guys" i say
"are you ready??" i he asks
i nod and we meet dream outside of technos house.
"tommy. tubbo. y/n." dream says
i look at dream. he raises his axe.
tommy runs towards dream and they begin fighting. dream went over to tubbo and they fought as well.
"Y/n? GET HIM" tommy screams
i take a step back and set my sword down.
"Y/N??" he shouts dream ontop of him
i look at tommy and i feel a tear running down my cheek.
i grab my sword and kick dream off of tommy. he looks at me i shock. we begin fighting. he pushes me against the wall and slams my head into it. i kick at his crotch and grab his jaw. he cuts my arm and i grab it in pain. he knocks my knees out and slams my head into the wall once again.
i lied on the floor grabbing my arm. i hear a shriek and i stand up. i couldn't see out of one of my eyes.
i see tommy on the floor. i limp over to dream and grab his shirt.
"what did i say" i ask
"i didn't make a promise" he says
he kicks me off of him and hovers over me. he squats down.
"friends huh?" i ask
"oh please. you think i was friends with you? don't you remember. i needed one of you gone" he says chuckling
i slash my sword into his face his mask breaking and falling off.
"i thought you were a good person." i say
"we both were stupid" he says laughing
i look at his face.
"you were the one who killed me huh." i say
"i thought you'd never find out." he says sarcastically
"why? why'd you do it" i ask
"i needed you gone. in order for me to have power." he says
"is power all that matters to you?" i ask
he shrugs
"what about george. or sapnap." i say
he stays silent
i put my sword against his neck.
"w- wait." he says faintly
"no."i say pushing it harder
"i'll bring tommy back." he says basically choking on my sword.
"i'm not gonna kill you." i say
"but i may make it torture for you to live"
"i took care of you. i let you live with me. i was being caring. and this is what i get?" i ask
"i was just using you y/n. get your head in the game" he says
"i took care of you......i loved you dream..." i say
(loved as is platonic. not an actual attraction)
"well it seems as if love only causes you pain" he says
that caught me off guard. my sword slips out of my grip and cuts dreams chest.
he winces
"y/n?" i hear
i look over and see phil
"phil!" i shout
i run over to him and jump into a hug.
he stares at dream. i walk over to tommy. he was still breathing. tubbo was sitting next to him.
"guess your plan didn't work huh?" i say
"Y/n? LOOK OUT" tubbo screams
i hear a bang and i look over. i see dream in the floor and sapnap standing over him.
"hey guys. sorry for him. i'll get him back in the prison." sapnap says sweating
he gives me a wink
"y- yeah thanks sapnap" i say my face heating up
"stay safe next time will ya?" he asks picking up dream
i nod quickly.
'holy shit' i think to myself
i watch him walk away.
"sapnap wait!!" i say
he turns around dragging dream in the floor.
"thanks" i say
he smiles and walks away.
"wow." tubbo says
i look at him my face still burning hot.
"don't catch a case" he says
"oh shut up" i say quietly
we help tommy up and bring him to my house. sure techno and wilbur were there, but they like tommy so it doesn't really matter. i set him on the couch and he winces.
i grab a few bandages and a lot of towels.
"okay, this is gonna hurt." i say lifting his shirt up a bit.
"just do it" he says
i grab a towel and push it hard onto the wound. he grabs tubbos hand and doesn't say anything.
"you're doing great" i say
i wrap it up and continue to leave pressure on it until it slows the bleeding down. then i let go and replace the towel with gauze. i wrap it again and he sits there breathing heavily, still clinging onto tubbo.
"all done" i say
he lets out a puff and i look at tubbo.
"are you all good?" i ask
"yup. i barely got touched" he says
i smile and then look down at my arm. i grab leftover bandages and wrap my arm.
"your bandages are gonna have to change daily" i say
"why?" he asks
"for safety" i say
he nods slowly, techno walks into the room.
"techno?" tommy asks
"he's uh staying with me for now" i say
"that's so cool" tommy says trying to let him being hurt not ruin the excitement
techno looks at me so confused
"what's going on?" he asks
"tommy got hurt, so i helped" i say
techno sits down next to tommy and hand him a drink.
"drink this." he says
tommy takes it and chugs it down. i hear a knock at the door and i answer.
i see sapnap.
"just a heads up. dreams back in the prison, he said you took him in while he was gone, so i came by to collect his things" he says
"oh uh he doesn't have anything here" i say
"he said he left this journal here." he says
"i can go get it" i say
he nods
"uhm please come in" i say.
he walks in and i show him to the room dream was staying in. my room.
"i think i would've noticed if it was here" i say
"he said under your mattress" he says lifting up the mattress.
sure enough there was a journal. he grabs it.
"alright thanks, i'm out. see ya around" he says
he walks out of the house and i go back over to tommy.
"hey guys, how about we let him rest?"i ask
techno and tubbo stand up and leave the room, i sit down next to tommy.
"hey. tommy?" i ask
"yeah?" he asks
"i'm sorry." i say
"for??" he asks
"i helped him" i say hugging my knees
"helped who?" he asks
"dream." i say
he stares at me. not a thought behind those eyes.
"i don't really care. i'm just glad you found your place" he says
"really?!" i ask
he nods
"i'll let you be now." i say
i get up and leave the room...

dreams in prison. tommy is safe. nothing bad will happen...

the end

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