Part 2

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Akagi POV:

Soon me and Tsumu finished out shift we packed our stuff and said closed the shop. While we were walking home I asked Tsumu. 'So... what was this thing you wanted to tell me?' 'Oh! Right did you watched the news yesterday?' 'Um, no I didn't' 'What?!!?'

'What-whats wrong???' 'The CEO of J.E Corps and the CEO of M.K Corps Komori Motoya and Sakusa Kiyoomi just came back here in Tokyo!! I can't believe you Kagi!' 'What do we have to do with them tho???' You haven't seen them yet Kagi? They are like the perfect man of everyone! But Sakusa is more good looking tho.' Atsumu said excitingly.

'Really? I don't know much about them tho Tsumu.'

'Then I shall introduce them to you Kagi!' Atsumu said.

Komori Motoya. Japanese. A self-made billionare. He made hes company J.E Corps when he was just 19 years old. Hes on the top of every billionare leaderboard. He has control on almost every company that exist in this world. His cousin Sakusa Kiyoomi, The CEO of M.K Corps unlike his cousin Komori hes a family heir to the company hes on the second of every leaderboard but both of them don't consider each other as rivals they work together pretty much everytime. They have absolute power over everything. Also they are just 22 this year!!

'Tsumu didn't you say they were good looking can I see a picture of them?' 'Of course! Just give me a few minutes..' Atsumu said. I watched him fished out his phone out of his pocket and started scrolling thru it. Finally he stop scrolling and shove the phone to me. 'Here Kagi!' I took his phone and looked at it.

(Thats the picture Atsumu let Akagi see also ignore the roses and camera in this photo)

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(Thats the picture Atsumu let Akagi see also ignore the roses and camera in this photo)

'I-' I blushed I bit after seeing the photo of the cousins. 'So what do you think Kagi?' Atsumu asked me. 'I think they look fine..' 'oooo really Kagi?? Your kinda red right now ' He said while smirking. ' Oh shut up tsumu but I gotta admit the brown hair one is quite the look.' I said while shrugging.

'Oh also tsumu I also wanted to tell you something.' 'Hm? What is it then?' He said while humming. 'Well.. I have this weird dream about a man..' I started. ' Wha- Kagi are you that desperate to have a boyfriend???' ' Um no? Also when are you going to have a boyfriend?' I asked Tsumu.


'WAIT WAIT CHILL KAGI' Atsumu said. I take in a few deep breaths to calm myself down.

' Ok then Barry the bee when are you going to introduce your so called boyfriend to me?' I asked Tsumu.

' FIRST OF ALL IM NOT A BEE' ' Sure whatever you say Tsumu' I said while chuckling. 'And second of all never you will never meet him. Bleh :p'

'Oh well I don't wanna know who is it either' I said.

'Really? I thought you would wanna know' He pouts while saying.

'Nah, you don't wanna tell me then be that way then. I don't wanna learn bout your love life.' I replied.

Soon we reached out separate ways and I walk back to my apartment. I thought of the photo Tsumu let me see  and blush a bit when I remember that brown colour hair boy. Maybe this is what having a imaginary crush is like then. While I was walking to my apartment I saw someone kicking someone up in a dark alleyway. I immediately ran over to stop the bully.

'What are you doing??? Kicking up someone who's weaker then you?' I yelled at the bully.

'Aw, aren't you a cute one?' the bully said, he's hand caressing my face. I immediately slapped his hand away from me and mouth to the little girl 'Run away' she nodded and quickly ran off. 'How kind of you to help someone you don't even know... But you made a wrong decision cutie.' he slammed me against a wall and pinned me there. Soon he started getting nearer to my face.

I closed my eyes while trying to push him away from me but he was to strong. I was basically stuck there. I started to panic. Just when he was going to kiss me, I saw the kid with a lot of people behind him.

I heard her say 'There!!' And soon all the people behind the kid wrapped around the bully. I looked at them feeling relieved and tired at the same time. I started to feel dizzy and started losing consciousness the last thing I saw before I passed out was a man that was walking towards me that was very familiar...

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