Part 21

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"Akagi did you agree to the date that Atsumu set up for you? Answer me." Komori asked, hands gripping Akagi wrist tightly, jealousy burning in his eyes.  

"I mean I didn't really have a choice so...yeah." Akagi replied, squirming to get himself out of Komori's tight grip. 

"And you didn't say anything about it to me? Akagi I'm so disappointed in you." Komori sighed, releasing his tightening grip on Akagi wrist. 

"His hands looks so delicate...and it bruises so easily..."  Komori thought, eyes focusing on the bruise that was caused by him.

"I don't really see why I should tell you though? We are just friends right?" Akagi asked confused.

"OMG WHO TOLD HIM THIS SHIT????!!! CAN'T U SEE I'M HEAD OVER HEELS FOR YOU???"  Komori was literally shouting mentally in his mind. Didn't he give enough signals? He thought he already made it so obvious till Atsumu was catching on.

"You really don't know huh? And I thought I was obvious enough..." Komori laughed. "What's so funny?" Akagi asked, still the oblivious about everything.

"I don't know how to say this but..." Komori started, taking in a deep breath to calm himself down and to mentally prepare for Akagi rejection. Akagi tilted his head, confused. 

"What is going to say?" Akagi thought. Maybe his going to tell me something important?

"I like you Akagi. I like you since high-school, when we meet at the nationals. I Know you don't remember me me it was actually love at first sight." Komori smiled softly, taking in Akagi shocked face. "Your soft black hair and majestic black eyes, the way you would take care of your other teammates and help others, your kind personality, just made me fall harder for you each time." Komori confessed, slowly bringing up his hand to cup Akagi blushing face.

"Wait...are you saying we actually met in high-school? That's like 6 y-years!" Akagi sputtered, becoming redder after hearing Komori confession. 

"Yeah!" Komori beamed brightly. "Although I think you didn't remember me..." Komori trailed off pouting. Akagi blushed more and one could say he looked like a tomato right now. 

"So, you like me?" Akagi asked, trying to confirm whether this was a dream or reality. "No, I don't like you Akagi?" Komori asked confused. 

Akagi drooped down when he heard that. "I-its ok then I guess it's all just a misunder-"

"I love you Akagi. Hell, I have been in love with you for 6 years! Even that dense as a rock Atsumu figured it out!" Komori said. "Whatever, I don't think you like me anyways...I guess we can just go b-"

"I love you too." Akagi replied, cutting off Komori with a smile. "ack- What? You love me too?! You said it right? Say it again, say it again please!!!" Komori perked up almost immediately after hearing Akagi confession. "Fine...I love you Komori. Even though it's not a 6-year crush but I still love you." Akagi laughed softly, the sight making Komori feel more butterflies. 


"HAH I KNEW IT! Pay up Tendou!" Atsumu laughed victoriously, while Tendou was paying the money to Atsumu.

"Aww...Couldn't you guys confess next week? I would have gotten 3000 yen then!" Tendou sulked, due to losing his precious 3000 yen.

"And this was why I told you not to bet any unpredictable bets Tendou-san." Shirabu scoffed, sipping his coffee while typing his research report. "I had a 50/50 ok! Besides it WAS predictable because either way they're still going to get together!" Tendou said.

"Did you guys seriously bet on my relationship status. And here I thought you guys would actually have some reaction." Akagi rolled his eyes, taking a bite out of his chocolate cake.

"This was as predictable as the time when Atsumu said he was going to get over Sakusa when he thought he was cheating on him with someone else" Suna laughed out loud, dodging Atsumu flustered attack on him.

"WE CLEARED UP OK????" Atsumu shouted.

Akagi watched this scene unfold while continue chatting with Shirabu and Tendou, unnoticing to the commotion outside of the cafe.

"Oooooo, Akagi~ Your boyfriend is here~" Tendou giggled, pulling Akagi up and shoving him to Komori.

Poor Akagi had no time to process the fact that Komori was here before getting shoved into Komori by Tendou. "Darling! I'm here to pick you up!" Komori said with a bright smile. 

Yeah, Akagi was pretty sure he heard someone had fainted. 

"You don't just say that in public!" Akagi whisper shouted. 

"Why not? I can confess my undying love for you right here, right now Michi." Komori continued, smiling as if this was the most normal thing that happened. "Bye guys! I'm taking Akagi with me!" Komori waved at the group, before guiding Akagi out of the cafe.

"I can feel the headlines on the newspaper tomorrow." Shirabu said, completely unfazed about this whole thing. 

And the headlines on the newspaper the next day was indeed about Akagi and Komori.



Hi guys~ Dine here. FINALLY! I can move on to my drafts that are still lying there unfinished. But yeah, still can't believe I wrote this; I'm going to read other fanfictions to get more love scenarios out of them...But hey! At least I attempted at a love confession...???

I really need more love experience rereading whatever I wrote was so...

Anyways, thanks for reading this book! That's the end of this story. Hopefully I can write a new one soon! Thank you for the support that I got; I hope you have a wonderful day!

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