Part 16

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The birds were chirping outside. As Akagi woke up, he was met with the sunlight that was emitting brightly to the room. He slowly sat up and looked around the room.

'Wait- Wasn't I at the living room yesterday?' Akagi thought while getting up. 'Maybe one of the servant's carried me here?' Akagi thought. 'Whatever...' Akagi mumbled while picking up his clothing to go take a shower.

'Ah I feel more refreshed now!' Akagi step out of the bathroom, while holding a towel to dry his hair. As Akagi was blowing his hair with a dryer, Suga knocked on the door. 'Master Akagi. Your breakfast is ready.' Suga said.

'Oh alright I will be there in a minute!' Akagi shouted as the sound of the dryer was to loud. 'Alright. Please take your time. I will be going back now.' With that Suga left the hallway.

(With Komori and Akira)

'Akira. Sit on the chair. Not run around in the kitchen.' Komori said softly as he was quite tired. 'NO! I WANT MICHI!!!!' Akira shouted, still running around at the kitchen. 

'If you sit down, Akagi will come down. So don't make such a fuss.' Komori said while holding his head. 'Fineeeeee' Akira said while sitting down on the chair. 'Good girl.' Komori said while smiling.

'Morning guys! I have to quickly eat since I have a shift later.' Akagi greeted with a cheerful voice while taking a seat. 'MICHI!!!' Akira said excitingly, running towards the direction of Akagi. 'Morning Akira.' Akagi greeted with a smile, while picking her up and holding her. 'Did you have a good sleep last night?' 

'Yeah I did!!!' Akira said while beaming. 'I'm glad you did.' Akagi replied while setting Akira on her chair. 

'Morning Akagi.' Komori greeted with a small smile. 'Oh, morning Komori!' Akagi greeted back with a bright smile on his face. Komori smiled back in response. Akagi quickly took notice of the Komori situation as he noticed that Komori looked pale and have dark black circles under his eyes.

'Um...Did you sleep last night Komori? You look like you would faint any moment.' Akagi questioned worriedly. 'Ah..You don't have to worry about it darling. Just eat your breakfast.' Komori said with a small smile. 

'Oh...! Alright then...' Akagi said while blushing at the sudden pet name. 'EW. STOP FLIRTING IN FRONT OF ME!!!' Akira shouted while gagging at the sight of the couple. Komori just returned her command with a smirk while going back to his breakfast. As for Akagi, well let's just say that he blushed hardly before going back to his meal.


Hi guys! Author-chan here again. Sorry for the short chapter. I have exams coming up recently so I have to revise :(((

Sorry bout that! Hope you have a great day!!!

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