Part 12

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Next morning after Akagi got to work

Akagi POV:

I walked towards my work place humming while breathing the fresh morning air. As I reached the cafe, I saw Suna already at the counter. Which was a suprise since he rarely comes this early.

'Yo kagi.' he greeted while arranging the cups in place. 'Morning. Your early today.' I said while putting down my bag in the lockers room for the workers. Well knowing Suna, there must be something he wants to know if he comes this early. 

'So...' he started 'Your relationship with Komori?' he said while wiggling his eyebrows. 'We are just friends.' I replied wishing he would get this topic off his mind. 'Sure..' he said, going back to arranging the cups. 'WHAT'S UP GUYS!' Atsumu yelled while suddenly bursting into the cafe.

'AH OH MY GOD-' I flinched cause of the sudden voice, almost breaking a cup that I was cleaning. 'MIYA ATSUMU! I SWEAR- IF I BREAK THIS KITA WILL KILL ME!' I yelled, trying to ease my heartbeat from the scare Atsumu gave me. 'I'm sorry!!' he said. 'I was just excited that samu is coming back today!' he said with sparkling eyes. Well if you guys didn't know, Atsumu twin brother, Osamu attends a culinary school in France. Since it is quite a distance from Japan, he only comes back during the holidays. So it was quite normal for him to be this excited.

'Oh really? Don't u always quote and quote in highschool saying 'No way he is my twin! His so ugly!! Have you seen him??' Suna said while mimicking Atsumu's voice.

'Shut up!!' he said, face flaring a bright red cause of the embarrassment. 'Just open the shop! We never speak of this again ok??' Atsumu said, trying to turn the conversation around. 'Nah~~ I have the video in my phone right here~~' Suna said while waving his phone that was playing the video of Atsumu being excited that Osamu has came back to Japan.

'Maybe I could send it to the groupchat~?' Suna said teasing Atsumu while smirking. At that moment, I knew that if Suna continue to tease Atsumu, there was going to pure chaos in this cafe.

'Ok guys! Stop please. And you Suna stop teasing Atsumu. We have to open the cafe in 5 minutes!' I said while standing between them incase they were going to lash out. 'Fine...' they both mumbled, Suna going back to what he was doing and Atsumu putting his bag in the lockers room. 

During break time

'Guys!! How about we all go fetch samu from the airport! Then I won't be so bored waiting for him there!!' Atsumu asked while feasting hungrily on his fatty tuna. 'Sure.' Suna replied still eating his onigiri. 'I'm free so why not?' I said. 'Great!! So we go after we finish work?' Atsumu asked. 'Yeah sure.' we both replied. 

Timeskip <3

'Come on hurry up! You guys are so slow!' Atsumu shouted at the entrance of the airport. 'Then don't run so fast!!' Suna yelled backed in response. I quickly jogged up to keep up with him. 'Wait up tsumu!' I said while slightly panting cause of the gap between us. When me and Suna finally caught up with Atsumu, I saw him standing outside a shop looking at something, or rather someone.

'Yo whatcha looking at?' I asked while looking at him, since his mouth was slightly gaping in shock. 'Come on let's go.' he whispered to me while pulling me and Suna to the other direction. 'What's your fucking problem Miya??' Suna hissed since Atsumu did suddenly pulled him without any warnings. 'I almost tripped! And don't pull other people so suddenly!!' I scolded him. 'I'm sorry ok!! Is just that I saw Sakusa with Komori earlier and I didn't told him that I came to fetch samu with you guys!' Atsumu said with a slightly panicked tone in his voice. 'What's wrong with it? It's not like his that possessive. I also didn't tell Komori to so what are you so afraid of?' I said while shurgging. 'I know right. Don't panic to much tsumu. It's not like he knows we're here.' Suna said while sitting down on a bench nearby.

'Oh yeah- He dosen't know I'm here!!' Atsumu said his mood lighting up a bit. 'Who dosen't know who's here?' I heard a voice that was kinda famillier. I saw Atsumu flinched while looking up. 'Ehehe omi- Why are you here?' Atsumu said while smiling akwardly. 'I could ask you the same thing. And I already told you this morning. Me and Komori have to go back to my parents there for a family meeting.' Sakusa asked while raising an eyebrow looking at Atsumu. 

'Yo, why does tsumu know Sakusa Kiyoomi?' Suna lean in to whisper beside my ear. 'If I remember correctly, they are dating so...' I whispered back. 'What-' Suna started. 'How did all of you- I- nvm.' he said while cutting himself off. After I told Suna the news that Atsumu was dating Sakusa, Suna took a few minuets to process this information of course. Then suddenly out of no where, we both heard a voice that said 'Why are you guys here. My gate is all the way on the other site. Do you know how long I had to find you guys??'

'Samuuu!! Your back!' Atsumu broke the staring contest him and Sakusa were starting and turn around to hug Osamu. 'I'm back and who is that?' Osamu asked while pushing away Atsumu that was clinging to him.

'Sakusa Kiyoomi. I assume your brothers?' Sakusa asked while handing his hand to Osamu for a handshake. 'Yeah the name's Osamu Miya. Now who are and why are you holding my brother so closely?' Osamu said while pushing Atsumu to his back gently. 

'Well I really want to Osamu reaction don't you Suna?' I asked Suna which already got his phone out. 'Born ready. Let's see the show!' Suna said excitingly.

Third person's POV:

'I'm afraid I didn't finish my introduction.' Sakusa said. 'Then get on with it. I don't have that much time.' Osamu said clearly irritated that Sakusa hold his brother so closely a few moments ago. 

'Oooo overprotective brother mode on~' Akagi and Suna that were just enjoying the show suddenly chirped teasingly. 'What's wrong cuz? You took quite long-' Komori said while walking to Sakusa's direction. He stopped in his tracks when he saw Akagi and Suna talking excitingly about something.

He quickly walked over to their side to greet his 'Darling' and Suna. 'What's wrong with them?' he asked Akagi. 'You will know soon~' Akagi giggled evilly. 'Yeah stay for the show Komori it's going to be epic.' Suna said siding with Akagi. 'Sure...' Komori said confused.

'Sakusa Kiyoomi. Also your brother's boyfriend.'

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