Part 3

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Komori POV:

'Akira?' I yelled. 'Where are you?' I just went to grab a drink and she already went missing what a trouble. But i have to take care of her or else my mother might scold me.

When I was looking around the playground for Akira, I saw her running towards me. 'Uncle!' she yelled. 'Akira oh my god where were you?? I was looking everywhere for you young lady!' I said. 'I'm very sorry uncle! But is an emergency now quickly help me uncle!!' Akira said. 'Ok ok where?'

'Here!' she said while walking to a dark alleyway. When we reach there we saw a tall man forcefully pinning a shorter man to a wall. 'There uncle!' Akira said.

'Alright the-' I got cut off when the shorter male passed out when the taller man got pulled away from him. I walked over to check the shorter male to see him unconscious. I picked him up and was suprised that he was quite light. I asked Akira why she wanted to save him.

'That tall man was beating me up earlier but he saved me..' Akira replied.


'Yeah..' Akira mumbled quietly. I then look coldly at the man that was still pin on the ground by my bodyguards and said ' Beat him up' I said coldly while walking away. I went to my car with the man and Akira and told my driver to drive back to my mansion.

While we were still on the way, I started to look at the shorter man features when the sun shine brightly that make his face glowed with light. He was quite beautiful and cute if I say so myself.

'Say uncle. Do you like this man?' Akira asked

'I- what the fuck Akira' I said. 'What? You litterly blushed when you saw him just now uncle' Akira said. 'Wha- I did not?' 'Yeah continue being in denial uncle. But I gotta admit you guys might look good together hehe' Akira said while laughing. 'Shut up Akira' I said while rolling my eyes.

Soon we reached my mansion and I carried the man bridal style and carried him to my room to let him rest. Then I went to carry on with my work in my office.

Akagi POV:

'Ugh-' I groan while opening my eyes slowly. Then I saw a very fammilliar room. 'Where am I?' I thought. 'Oh your awake!' I heard a very fammilliar voice. I turn around to see THE Komori Motoya looking at me with a very close distance. 'Jesus Christ you scared me' I flinched while saying. 'Oh I am sorry then' he said while backing away. 'Oh um it's ok so why am I here?' I asked. 'Oh you passed out when we were dealing with the bully.' Komori answered.

'Oh then sorry to waste your time then Komori-san' I said while bowing down as an apology. 'I will be heading out now. Thank you for taking care of me' I said while smiling. Even tho I'm not blushing on the outside I'm actually panicking on the inside. I mean who wouldn't when the man of your dreams is right in front of you. I just wanted to leave this house and scream in my pillow in my apartment.

'Wait before you go I just wanted to thank you for saving Akira earlier. And also what's your name?' he asked.

'That's no problem and um my name is Akagi Michinari um yeah that's it' I replied.

'Oh that's a cute name for someone as cute and beautiful like you' he said while smiling.

After he said that I feel my face heat up. I quickly covered my face and look away and mumbled 'This is so embarassing..'

'Sorry can you repeat that Akagi?' he said while smirking at me.

'Nothing just ignore this I will take my leave now and thank you for taking care of me again Komori-san' I said while gathering my stuff to take my leave.

While I was about to open the door, Komori suddenly pulled my wrist gently and pinned me against the wall while smirking.

'And did I say you could leave darling~' he said seducingly. My breathing hitched when he said that.

'What is he going to do to me???' I thought in my brain. 'Aw look at you why aren't you looking at me darling~?' he said while gently putting his hand on my face squeezing it to turn it back to meet his eyes.

'U-uh I-I um' I stammered.

'While if you wanna ask why am I doing this dear is because you look interesting and I changed my mind to let you go~' Komori said.

'Maybe you can stay here pretty please dearie?' he said with pleasing eyes.

I thought for a while and decided that it would fine to stay here as long I still work at the cafe.

'Fine...but on one condition.' I started.

'What is it then darling?' he cooed. 'I still get to work at my job at the cafe.' I said.

'That's not problem. Is just you will come back right?' he said.

'Of course I'm not someone who break promises.' I said while smiling.

'Hm. Then you can sleep at my room with me then.' Komori said. 'I- NO WAY I DON'T HAVE MY OWN ROOM?' I said a bit loudly.

'No dearie~' he said. 'You will sleep with me'

'Fine...' I said giving up.

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