Part 5

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In the morning

Akagi POV:

I woke up to my alarm ringing. I yawned while rubbing my eyes. I tried to sit up but was keep rather strongly on the bed. I look around to see Komori hugging me. After I noticed what he was doing I blushed due to him holding me while sleeping. After I calmed myself of gay panicking inside my brain, I took a pillow to replace me while I carefully took away his hand from my body. Then I slowly sat up and stretch myself before going to the bathroom.

After I stretch myself I walked while yawning again to take some clothing from Komori closet since I don't have any of my clothing with me. I chose the one that looked the smallest and that is not a fucking suit cause almost his whole closet is fill with suits. I took it and went into the bathroom and did my morning routine.

After I did my morning routine and dressed up, I took all my stuff and took an extra bag to keep my clothes later. Then I went to the door and open and closed it quietly. When I reached the kitchen I was suprised to see so many maids and chefs busy with making breakfast. It was quite a akward atmosphere there since I was the only one not busy. 'Well' I sighed to myself. 'Guess I will have to eat outside from now on.' I thought to myself while walking away.

I managed to slip away unnoticed since they were so busy. I almost speed walked to the entrance since I still have 20 minuets to my shift. I quickly ran outside of the mansion to find a bus station. And to my luck there was just a bus right infront of a bus station that was a few steps away from Komori's plot. I quickly ran over to the bus stop to take the bus. I noted to myself to always come here when I needed to go to work.

Soon I reached my workplace. Luckily tsumu is not here yet or he might ask me a ton of question since I was not the person to be late. I put down all my stuff and started preparing. Soon Suna and tsumu also arrived and started our shift.

During lunchbreak

( Also for Suna is this for Akagi is this and for Atsumu is this cause yes im to lazy to say whos saying)

Ugh I'm so hungry I haven't eaten breakfast yet.

That's quite unlike of you to not breakfast but meh. Here eat more then.

Yeah eat up kagi!! Kagi also I wanted to ask you something.

Yeah sure what's up?

You wanna hang out at my place? The three of us can have a sleepover~

Hm sure I guess.

Sure! I'm fine with that. Also text us your address so we can go there.

Ok then it's settled then! We will meet up at 4 is that ok?

Yeah that's fine with me.


After lunch break we continued our shift. When I was almost done with my shift. I heard outside a lot of people were crowded around a man wearing a suit. 'Ugh who is it making such a commotion our cafe is supposed to be quiet :/ Now those girls are shrieking like maniacs..' I thought while cleaning a cup. Soon I saw the man coming to our cafe direction. 

The man that was coming near the cafe has a weirdly familier. But I didn't care that much. Since I was working cashier at that hour. I went to the cashier to take orders from other customers.

Soon that man that was surrounded by girls had entered the cafe. But he was with a bodyguard so I guess he must be some important person. But I was still taking someone else order so I didn't notice him lining up to order. 

When it was his turn I didn't look up since I was still tapping on the screen. I felt someone new coming to the cashier. I just said 'Welcome to Inarizaki cafe what can I get y-' I got cut halfway when I heard the awfully familier voice said something that sent shivers down my spine.

'Hello darling~'

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