Part 19

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Akagi whisked around to the direction of the flash when he heard the sound of a camera snapping a picture.

"What the hell Shirabu! I didn't say that you can take photos!" Akagi hissed like an angry cat before walking to where Shirabu was seated in an attempt to snatch away his phone. Shirabu just ran around the room as Akagi was behind him chasing to get him to delete the photo. 

"Shira, Kagi, Come on! Stop running around we still have more dresses to try on~" Tendou said teasingly, pulling on the collar of their clothing, successfully stopping their little game of chasing. Of course, the look of horror on Akagi face didn't went unnoticed by both males. "Obviously." Oikawa rolled his eyes as he flipped his hair sassily. "But don't worry though Akagi, we will be wearing it to!" Atsumu added, his eyes flicking with mischievousness as he dragged the remaining people that wasn't dressed to his room, shoving all of them in as he went back to take the dresses and closing the door behind him.


"Suga! Wheres Akagi!" The sound of Komori asking--no whining  to the silver haired male was something quite unexpected. Gone was the usually stern expression he wore when he was facing the public, instead replaced by a childish look. Said male, Suga was just unbothered as he reported that Akagi had went out yesterday afternoon and won't be back for a few days. 

Komori sighed in defeat as he ushered Suga out. He sighed loudly as he planted his face into the hard surface of his office table, as uncomfortable as it is. Komori felt quite ashamed of himself (not really though) as he was whining and missing someone that still wasn't his like an lovesick puppy, pouting as many plans to get Akagi back to his mansion was starting to swirl through his head.

The sound of a notification pinging snapped him out of his endless planning.

One notification from Atsumu

"Huh weird. Sakusa boyfriend rarely texts me-" Komori thought as he opened the notification box, leading to his conversation with the fake blonde.

One pictured attached 

"Komori look at it! Thank me later~ (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・"

Yeah this is definitely NOT his day. Kneeling down to the floor, he prayed for his safety before he opened the attachment, in which he immediately dropped his phone to. Actually it was just the minimum of his reaction. Komori almost fainted when he saw the picture.


Like who wouldn't when your crush is all dressed up like a doll, looking all shy as he poses for the picture. Best part is, his wearing a dress. A sexy one at that. Komori immediately zoomed in on the picture, to Akagi soft and beautiful face, his perfect body, (no he totally did not zoom in on his thighs) and just admired the whole picture. He was lucky that he was alone in his office right now or someone random people outside of his mansion passing by might thought some weirdo was inside his boss office. 

"Planning to set him up on a blind date today~ He looks so cute right!"

Komori stiffened for a good moment before reacting to the message. 

"Blind date? When?"

As simple and bland the reply was, one could make out the jealousy radiating from that one simple sentence. "The sheer audacity! My perfect Akagi?! Going on a blind date? That should be me! Not some random dude-" Komori halted himself. Akagi wasn't even his, so how can he stop him from going to the blind date? 

The thought of someone other then him walking side by side with Akagi, holding hands as they shared a cone of ice-cream happily, yeah no. There can only be one person, and that was him.


"Hehe this plan is going splendidly well~" Atsumu laughed evilly to the group, as he just finished texting Komori with the photo, he can make sure that that lovesick fool will man up and confess now. I mean, he even used the blind date tactic! For sure that idiot will finally confess.

"Hm" Tendou hummed in approval as he twirled around in his own dress, posing as if his on a photoshoot. Shirabu just looked away in embarrassment as he tried to hide his body by pulling down the hem of the Cheongsam. Akagi was just trying to go back home or change out of these very revealing (in his opinion) Cheongsam, and was with Shirabu, hiding somewhere from the public eyes. Not until Oikawa came and dragged them out though.

Unknown to the group, Atsumu had secretly uploaded the pictures on his social media.

"A perfect day for matchmaker Atsumu to come alive~"


Hi guys~ Dine here! Can you believe that I still can't finish writing this story- LIKE IDK WHY- Just making me go more chapters but whatever. The previous chapter before this one, it was actually done for a few weeks but I didn't noticed that it was still a draft and thought I uploaded it. I WAS SO EMBARRASSED.

But anyways, the next chapter you guys need to wait for a bit, and also please to tolerate my writing im trying to get better and exploring the romance section of writing since I have absolutely ZERO experience in the romance field im so sorry ok! o(╥﹏╥)o

My terrible attempt in trying to write romance honestly has me cringing so badly at myself. Also, I don't have a beta reader so I REALLY NEED YOUR GUYS OPINION ON IMPROVING MY WRITING.

Well, um thats all from me~ Have a nice day!

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