Part 4

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Komori POV:

'Fine...' Akagi said. 'Great! Now if you would excuse me you can go look around the mansion while I'm going to shower.' I said while backing away and taking off my suit.

I saw him blushed when I took off my suit but I decided to ignore it. 'If you need anything just tell the butler ok?' I told Akagi. 'Alright' He answered.

After I took my bathrobe and towel I went into the bathroom. I thought to myself 'His voice is so soft and cute' I said while blushing slightly. I shake my head and said to myself 'No Komori your personality is supposed to be cold and ruthless not suppose to be soft!!'

Sigh, guess I will think about this later...for now I just wanna shower.

Akagi POV: 

'What the fuck just happened' I said to myself. I resisted the urge to just scream in the room since Komori is in the same room so I take a few deep breaths to calm myself down. After calming down I thought to myself 'Did Komori just flirted with me??? Maybe he dosent mean it? Or maybe he is???' The more I thought about him I feel my face getting redder and redder.

Soon I decided to take a look around the mansion. While I was exploring the mansion I suddenly heard a loud noise from my stomach. 'Oh yeah I haven't eaten dinner yet.' I thought. I soon pick up my pace to find the kitchen to make myself food to eat.

After looking around the mansion for a few minuets I finally found the kitchen and damm it was fancy. It have the best sliverware and chairs and tables. But I didn't took any notice since I was to hungry. I almost immediately ran over to open the fridge. After looking at the fridge I decided on making ramen noodles.

While I was almost done I heard someone outside of the kitchen calling me. I out my perfectly half-boiled egg into the bowl and went to see who was outside. I soon saw a man with greyish hair with hazel like eyes outside of the kitchen.

'Um who are you and why are you calling my name?' I asked him. 'Oh pardon me. My name is Sugawara Koushi and master Komori told me to check on you Akagi-san.' He said while bowing slightly.

'Oh then tell him I'm fine. I was about to have dinner when you called me Sugawara-san. Would you like to eat together? I made extras.' I asked Sugawara.

'Oh no it's ok I already eaten earlier. Maybe I can call master Komori to accompany you master Akagi?' Sugawara questioned. 'Sure! I will go prepare his portion of ramen while you call him.' I answered.

'Of course master Akagi, I will be back with master Komori in a few moments.' He said politely while turning away. After he turned away I also turn back to the kitchen to make another bowl for Komori. After I finished his preparing his portion of ramen and took two pairs of chopsticks and spoon while bringing his bowl to the dining table. After I finished setting up the table, I saw Sugawara and Komori entering the kitchen.

'Hello Komori-san' I greeted. 'Hello Akagi. Also you can just call me Komori no need with the formalities Akagi' Komori said.

'Oh is just that you have a higher position than me so I thought it would be more polite sorry about that Komori.' I replied. 'It's alright. Also Sugawara you can go back now.' He said.

'If you say so master. I will leave you both in peace. Goodnight.' He said while bowing and left the room.

After we finished eating our dinner. Me and Komori walked back together to his room or rather- our room while talking.

(For Komori the font is this and for Akagi is this cause I'm to lazy TvT)

So Akagi don't mind me asking but do you wanna play 20 questions?

Sure! It is quite fun to play that game besides, we can get to know each other won't we?

So what's your age?

23. You?

22. What's your favorite food?

Curry rice. What's your favorite color?

I would say black and dark red. Do you have any siblings?

I have a younger sister. What's your favorite food?

Hm. Tempura. They taste really nice.

Well I guess we can end it here we reached our room.

Ok. Also you can go take a quick shower in the bathroom while I change.

Alright. I replied.

After around 10 minuets I finished showering and changed into the pjs that Sugawara prepared for me earlier. Then I took a towel to dry my hair. When I came out, I saw Komori wearing a black pjs while reading a book on the bed.

'I'm done Komori' I said. 'Oh you're done? Also I wanna ask you something.' He asked me while closing his book and putting it on the nightstand. 

'So what did you want to ask Komori?' I asked him. 'So where do you work at?' He asked me. 'Oh, I work at Inarizaki cafe why do you ask?' I said answering his question.

'Nothing just incase you try to run away or something I can find you. Besides, I might drop by to buy a cup coffee.' He said calmly. 'I- didn't I said I won't run away??? Also can I drop by my apartment tomorrow? I need to take my clothes if I'm going to live here.' I asked.

'That's ok. Do you want me to drop you off at work tomorrow?' Komori asked. 'Um..that's not necessary my friends might bother with a lot of questions. And besides you are quite busy aren't you? I can handle it myself. Also here.' I said while taking his phone that was unlocked since he was using it earlier and key in my number in his contacts.

'Incase I need help with something I might call you.' I said while shoving the phone back to him. 'Well anyways goodnight!' I said while quickly ducking under the covers before he tease me for giving him my number. I heard a small chuckle then a sentence that might my heart flutter 

'Well goodnight baby'

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