Part 10

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Akagi POV: 

'Tsumu??? What are you doing here?!!?' I yelled. Because it was a bit to loud a lot of people turn to see who was yelling. I quickly bowed down as a apology. I quickly whispered shouted at him 'What the hell are you doing here???' 'I could ask you the same thing!' Atsumu said. 'Fine. I came here with Komori.' I said while sighing. 'How about you tsumu?' I asked. 'I um came here with my boyfriend...' Atsumu said quietly. 

'Really! Where?? I need to know my future best friend husband!' I said excitingly while gasping. 'Maybe later kagi. His busy right now.' Atsumu said while smiling. 'Its ok then. You wanna grab some food over there? It looks nice.' I said. 'Sure!' Atsumu said happily and followed me to the food area with shimmering eyes.

Komori POV:

As we reached the floor that the family dinner was organized. My parents told me I have to go with them to greet the guests since we were the one who organized it. I nodded at them and told them to go ahead first. After they left, I told Akagi to walk around and explore a bit of the floor first since I was going to handle the guests with my parents. He nodded while smiling before walking away to explore.

After he walked away, I went to my parents direction and greeted them with my always bored look. It was quite boring since all they talk about is their children or their accomplishments. As soon as I greeted the guests, I excused myself and walked around to find Akagi. As I was still wandering around, I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see my germaphobe cousin Sakusa standing there with mask on his face like always.

"Hey Motoya. How are you?' he said while motioning me to follow him to a less crowded area. 'I'm fine. Just busy with work from the company. You?' I said while following him. 'So far then quite frustrated with work, I guess I am fine.' Sakusa said while stopping at a table that has very less people around it.

'Say kiyo did you bring your boyfriend?' I asked him. 'Yeah I did. Did you bring yours?' he asked back. " I did. My mom was so happy that I brought him to see her. Even my dad approve of him.' I said while taking off my suit jacket, exposing my dark blue turtleneck shirt.

'Really? That's the first time you told me that auntie actually likes someone you brought back.' Sakusa said laughing a little. 'Also did you see Akagi kiyo? I haven't seen him after I told him to go wander around while I was talking to the guests.' I asked Sakusa, hoping that he would know where he is.

'No. I was also been finding for my boyfriend. Have you by chance seen him?' Sakusa asked me. 'What does your boyfriend even look like?' I said with a annoyed face.

'Oh right- You haven't met him.' Sakusa said, stating the obvious. 'Duh' I said while rolling my eyes. 'Well then let's go find them? Maybe they are together.' I suggested.

'Alright.' Sakusa said while standing up. 'Lets go then.' I said while putting on my suit jacket.

Akagi POV:

Me and Atsumu were chatting happily while eating until I asked him 'Yo tsumu where's your boyfriend? There's no way it will take so long.' 'I don't know.' he said while stuffing his face with more food. 'Do you wanna go look for them?' he asked.

'Sure! Do you wanna take some food for them? Maybe they haven't eaten yet.' I said while taking up a plate and started filling it with food for Komori.

'YEAH! Thats a great idea kagi!!' he said while taking a plate also stuffing it with food. After we finished filling the plates, we walked around trying to find them.

As we were walking around, I accidentally bumped into someone who was walking by. Luckily the food was still carefully held by me. I quickly apologize since it stain a little on his suit.

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