Part 15

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Third person POV:

'Uncle! What do you mean more chance, when you already can just go confess to Michi! Coward!!!' Akira exclaimed. 'Right right I'm not a coward ok Akira?' Komori said. 'Then? Why don't you just go confess?' Akira said while pouting. 'I know but he still might reject me ok Akira?' Komori replied. 'Really..? Michi might reject uncle?' Akira asked.

'Yes. Uncle still have a small chance of getting rejected.' Komori said while smiling bitterly. 'Don't worry uncle! Akira will help uncle in every way I can!!' Akira said cheerfully. 'Yes thank you Akira.' Komori said.

'Akira? Where are you? You took quite long in the bathroom.' Akira flinched when she heard Akagi voice coming from a distance and quickly informed Komori she gotta go now.

'Uncle I gotta go now I promised to watch movies with Michi!' Akira whispered trying to not let Akagi notice that she's not in the bathroom. 'Alright enjoy your time Akira.' Komori said before ending the call.

After Komori hung up the call, Akira quickly ran towards Akagi while hugging him. 'Michi I'm here!!' Akira said enthusiasticly while jumping up and down.

'Oh my god where were you Akira? You took so long in the bathroom that I thought you fainted in there.' Akagi said while releasing a sigh of relief. 'I'm sorry Michi...' Akira said while bowing down her head in embarrassment. 'It's ok just don't take so long next time alright?' Akira nodded knowingly 'Yes understood!'

'Come on now. The popcorn will get cold.' Akagi said while taking Akira hand gently and leading her back to the living room. 'Michi...' Akira started slowly. 'Yes? Do you want something?' Akagi asked. 'Um.. uh can you carry me?' Akira asked while holding her hands out to Akagi.

'Sure.' Akagi replied while carrying her up effortlessly. 'There do you feel better now?' Akagi asked when Akira snuggling into his chest happily. 'Yes better then ever!' Akira said while wrapping her hands around Akagi's neck and giggling happily. Akagi smiled as he walked towards the direction of the living room, not knowing the conversation that happened between Akira and Komori.

(With Komori)

*sigh* Komori sighed while looking out of the window of his car. What Akira made sense though, since he actually liked him for a long time. If you just notice his abnormal behavior with Akagi, you might thought he just recently got a crush on Akagi. But the truth is, Komori has actually liked him since highschool. And only Sakusa knew how long his cousin has been crushing on Akagi.


The sound of people cheering and the squeaking noises of shoes flooded the gym. 'AND THE WINNER IS....ITACHIYAMA!!!' As the loud voice of the microphone echoed through the whole gym, countless of people screamed and applauded loudly after the announcement. It was nothing special to Itachiyama as they had always won. With the number 1 ace and libero on their team they were quite unstoppable. 

'Alright guys. we finished all of our rounds for today, so you can do whatever you want now. Just remember that you need to arrive here at 8 tomorrow morning alright!' Iizuna informed his team. 

'Finally!' Komori exclaimed. 'Sakusa! We are done with today's competition already!' Komori shouted to his cousin but received no reply. 'Sakusa?' he went around after collecting his stuff to search for his cousin. 'After searching for his cousin for about 20 minuets, he finally found his cousin standing at the railings observing a match.

'Sakusa!' Komori quickly walked over while shouting his name. 'Sakusa?' Komori called his name while waving his hand infront of his cousin to take his attention. 'Sakusa? Sakusa!! KIYOOMI!!' As Komori shouted Sakusa finally stop gazing and replied him. 'What do you want Motoya.' Sakusa asked.

'I should be asking you the same thing! What are you staring at anyways.' Komori asked while looking at the direction that his cousin was previously gazing at. 'Ooooo, staring at Atsumu again cuz?' Komori said while teasing.

'Shut up Komori.' Sakusa said while smacking his cousin. 'Ow! What you do that for!' Komori whined. 'To shut you up obviously.' Sakusa said while rolling his eyes.

Komori pouted while turning back to observe the match. While he was observing, he saw someone with black hair that was talking with Atsumu during their short break. He dosent know why but he felt attracted to that boy. As the boy turned around to go back to his position on court, he felt mesmerized by the boys beauty. That black hair and mesmerizing black eyes, that fit but slim figure. Everything about him looks perfect.

He was so entranced that he didn't even noticed that the match has already ended. '...mori! Komori Motoya!' He finally snapped out of his trance and replied to his cousin. 'AH! Yes cuz?' Komori asked.

'Ugh finally. Do you know how long I have been calling you?' Sakusa complained. 'Right sorry sorry.' Komori apologized. 'You just teased me for staring at Atsumu now your staring at someone.' Sakusa said while holding onto Komori jacket while dragging him away from the railings.

'But..! He just look so cute and beautiful!! I can't resist it!' Komori pouted when Sakusa finally stopped dragging him.  'Who were you even staring at?' Sakusa scrunched his face in disgust that his cousin was suddenly so lovesick. 

'That black haired libero! He looks so cute...' Komori said while having a lovesick gaze on his face. 'Oh. You meant Akagi?' Sakusa asked. 'Yeah- Wait how do you know his name?' Komori asked with a confused face. 'Atsumu won't shut up about him. He always talk about him.  .' Sakusa said with a pissed off face.

'Eheheheeh jealous aren't you?' Komori said while giggling slightly. 'Shut up Komori.' Sakusa said while walking away. 'WAIT- WAIT UP SAKUSA!!!' Komori said while running to the direction of his cousin.

(End of flashback)

As Komori car pulled up to the entrance of his mansion, he got out of the car while giving his belongings to Suga as he walked inside his mansion. He walked into his living room wanting to rest for a bit before going back to his work. When he entered the living room, he saw the TV playing a movie as Akagi and Akira was asleep soundly on the sofa.

*sigh* Komori sighed while smiling. He called a servant to bring Akira to her to the guest room, while he carried Akagi back to his room. As he picked up Akagi, Akagi subconsciously nuzzled against his chest. Komori just prayed that Akagi won't wake up to his loud heartbeats.

After he placed Akagi on his bed, he ruffled his hair with his hand while admiring Akagi under the moonlight. He seem to look more beautiful under the moonlight.

'Haah..... When can I ever tell you how I feel...' Komori whispered softly while softly caressing Akagi face. 'Well. Goodnight darling.' Komori said while kissing Akagi's forehead.

He gave one last look to Akagi before exiting, while Akagi was sleeping peacefully while smiling softly.


Hi guys! Author-chan here. I am so very terribly sorry for not updating a new chapter for so long. I was running out of ideas and was kinda lazy to write a new chapter soooo....

Welp! Anyways I want to thank you guys for reading my book! 

Also a question. Can you guys give me a new name for this book? I want to change the name but I can't think of one.

Well that's all I wanted to say for now! Author-chan out!

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