Part 9

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This take place when they reached Komori parents mansion ಠ◡ಠ

Akagi POV:

'Woah..' I said. 'Your parents house is so big Komori!!' I said amazed. 'I mean it's cheap so it's nothing.' he said calmly. ' Rich people ideas' I thought in my head while sighing.

Soon we reached the front door and got down the car. They were a bunch of servents outside of the mansion that bowed down and said in usion 'Welcome back young master.' Since I didn't know what to do so bowed to them back as a thank you before tralling behind Komori.

'You know. You no need to bow down to them. They are supposed to bow down darling.' he said. 'Really? Sorry then.' I said. Soon we stopped infront of the living room where I saw two people that was talking while drinking tea. Komori told me to stay outside of the living room first since he wanted to chat with his parents regarding something important. I nodded while continue to stand outside.

Soon I heard someone open the door as I was still standing there politely leaning against the wall while scrolling thru my phone.

'Sir Akagi?' I heard someone called out my name. I turned around to see a old butler that opened the door and stood there. 'Yes sir? What do you need?' I said while closing my phone.

'Young master is requesting for you apperence.' he said politely. 'Oh alright. Thank you for telling me sir.' I said while bowing down and moved calmly to the door.

As soon as I entered the living room, I felt like his parents were eying me up and down. I walked over calmly even though I was slightly panicking on the inside. 'Come darling take a seat.' Komori said while patting the seat beside him. I nodded slightly while walking over and sat beside him quietly.

As I sat down, his parents seem to be delighted in some sort of way after looking at me more closely. Soon Komori introduced me to his parents as his boyfriend. 'Go on and introduce yourself.' he said while whispering to me.

'Hello Sir and Mrs Komori. Is nice to meet you.' I said politely while smiling. 'Just call us Yuu and Yuki.' Yuu said. 'Of course.' I said while smiling and nodding in acknowledgement. Soon Komori excused himself since he got a called from his office and walked out, leaving me and his parents behind.

As soon as he walked out. His parents immediately came to sat beside me while saying 'Look at you! You look so cute!!' 'i definitely aprrove of you Akagi.' I started to blushed in embarrassment since they bombarded a lot of compliments on me. 'Akagi dear. Say are you going to today's family dinner?' Yuki said. 'Komori didn't say anything about a dinner so I guess no.' I said while shaking my head.

'WHAT? I should go lecture that son of mine. He brought the perfect son-in-law of my dreams and he says nothing about our family dinner????' Yuki said while huffing.

As it was on cue, I heard the door to the living room open and closed, signalling there was someone back. I turned around and saw Komori walking back to us. As soon as he sat down, Yuki immediately started lecturing him on why he did not told me there was a family dinner.

'I just forgot to tell him that's all' Komori said coldly. 'Wow he's cold to his parents also?' I thought. 'But he will still come.' he said as if his reassuring his parents.

'Also how did you met him? His the best one you brought to see so far.' Yuki said rather excitingly.

'I met him at the cafe he worked at. After a few times we decided to exchange numbers and then we confessed to each other.' Komori said while taking a sip of tea out of his cup.

'AHH that's so cute!! Don't you think so to dear?' Yuki asked her husband. 'Yes I agree.' Yuu said. 'Also when can I get grandchildren!!' Yuki asked, her eyes sparkling with excitement. As I heard that, I blushed and quickly answered 'N-no we are still to young for children's' I said slightly stuttering cause of what she just suggested.

'Not so soon mom. Eventually we will have one.' he said winking towards my direction. I quickly looked away trying to cover my blush.

'EEKK! You look so cute blushing Akagi!!' Yuki said. As soon as Komori heard that he quickly hugged me possessively while threateningly looking at his mom.

'Your quite possessive over Akagi Motoya.' Yuu said with a very calm tone. 'So what. Your possessive over mom too father.' he said. Me and Yuki felt the tension between those two as they both insulted their partners. I pulled on his suit a little bit and said 'Please stop Komori?' I said with a pleading look on my face. He looked at me and calmed down. 'Of course darling. Sorry about that.' he said. 'Its alright' I replied with a soft smile.

Time skip to a few hours

Soon after a few hours of us getting along. It was almost time for the family dinner. The four of us decided to go together. It was a peaceful drive to the location. As soon as we reached there, I looked outside to window to find a ton of reporters waiting outside. As I saw there were so many people, I started to panic. Komori saw me panicking because of those reporters, and told the bodyguards to block me and him from the view of the reporters.

We quickly went inside the hotel to avoid anymore reporters. As soon as I went in I was amazed by the fancy furniture and surroundings around us. Komori and his parents led me to the elevator where we went to the floor where the family dinner was organized.

As soon as we reached the floor, Komori told me walk around for a bit since him and his parents needed to greet the guests. I nodded as he ruffled my hair slightly before walking away. As I was walking around, I saw a very familiar blonde hair around the corner.

I walked over there and tapped on his shoulder. As he turned around, I was surprised to see who it was...

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