Part 13

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Komori POV:

I was really confused on what was happening since Akagi and Suna didn't wanted to inform me and wanted me to see the 'show'. After my cousin introduced him as Atsumu boyfriend, his brother seemed to stopped there for a few minuets.

'Here it comes in 3...2...1...' Akagi and Suna countdowned for something excitingly. As soon they said '1', Atsumu's brother immediately have a warm smile and smiled at Sakusa and Atsumu. First, he smiled at Sakusa and said 'Your my brothers boyfriend? Then come over here and sit down I want to ask you a few question.' he said, his warm expression slowly turning into a irritated one once Sakusa turned around.

'Pfft- I can't believe this-' I said laughing a bit since it was the first time someone manage to have that kind of expression to Sakusa. 'Komori?' I heard Akagi called me. 'Yes? What do you need darling?' I asked turning my head to his direction. I saw that Akagi blushed a bit before asking for a favour. 'Can you buy some popcorn and drinks for us please??? We really want those for the show they are having!!' Akagi pleaded while pointing to the direction of where my cousin were. 'No. We are leaving after they finish discussing anyways.' I said while taking out my phone to check who was texting me since my phone kept vibrating.

'Come on!!! Please???' Akagi pleaded while looking at me while pouting. After seeing Akagi looking that cute, I had a light blush on my face that was not noticeable. 'Fine.' I said while looking away. 'Yes!!! Thank you so much Komori!' Akagi said while turning back to see the 'show'.

'Lucas. Go buy some popcorn and some drinks.' I turned to my secretary while saying. 'Yes boss.' he said while bowing down. After ordering Lucas to buy their food, I walked over to their side to watch the 'show'. As I sat down I saw that Osamu was already having a warm but irritated expression on his face. 'Why do feel like something is going to happen later..?' I thought to myself.

'Boss. The food and drinks you want is here.' Lucas said while handing me the popcorn to me and Akagi and Suna. 'Thank you Komori!' Akagi and Suna thanked me. 'Just in time aren't we Suna?' Akagi said. 'Of course! I always choose the correct time to film these stuff y'know!' Suna said with a proud expression on his face. 'Suna right?' I asked Suna. 'Yeah. What do you need?' Suna asked me while eating his popcorn, still filming. 'When they finish can you send me the video?' I asked, wanting some blackmail on my cousin. 'Sure.' he replied.


Third person POV:

'So....You are my brother boyfriend?' Osamu said with a creepy smile on his face. 'Yeah.' Sakusa replied very calmly. 'What do you think I can let my brother be with you? Do you think you have enough qualification to enter the Miya family?' Osamu asked with a face of disapprovement.

Akagi POV:

'Wait..tsumu never told me about his family. Are they rich if Osamu ask for Sakusa qualification???' I asked Komori. 'Hmmm, well the Miya family is a well known business family in the world of business.' Komori answered me. 'WHAT? Then why does tsumu need to work at a cafe when his that rich?' Akagi asked. 'Maybe his not the successor? Cause I heard that the Miya family only care about the successor the most. Normally the other siblings in the house will normally be ignored. They just have everything they need. Once they finish their studies, they will be kicked out of the house or something.' Komori replied with a piece of information of Atsumu family. 'Oh..I see then.' I said while looking back at them.

Third person POV:

'Samu please it's not a big deal! We just dated for a few months!! I was going to tell you eventually!' Atsumu said while pulling his brother sleeve. 'I haven't lectured you yet so you better shut up while I ask this boyfriend of yours.' Osamu said coldly. 'Yes brother..' Atsumu said quickly sitting back to his original position.

'Ooooo drama~' Akagi and Suna cooed quietly while popping more popcorn into their mouth, while Komori was filming while popping popcorn in his mouth also. 'Good luck cuz.' Komori mouthed. Sakusa smiled back menancingly, Komori also gave him back a something called 'comforting' smirk then return to watching the 'show'.

'Now answer me. What makes you think you can the qualification to date my brother?' Osamu looked at Sakusa while smiling irritatedly. 'Oh? You think I don't meet the qualifications?' Sakusa asked while looking at Osamu. 'Then what's your qualifications?' he asked. 'You must have name in the business world and can treat my brother with love and care. Can you even do that? You look like someone who would have mysophobia. Do you even touch my brother before?' Osamu asked his question while having a satisfied expression on his face as if his sure Sakusa can't even meet his standerds. 'I do have mysophobia but it's an exception for your brother. I can prove it to you if you want to.' Sakusa said while standing up walking over to Atsumu side. Once Sakusa was infront of Atsumu, he placed his two fingers on his chin to make Atsumu head slightly higher and leaned in to give him a short peck on his lips.

'There I did it. So can you believe that his an exception my phobia now?' Sakusa said walking back to his seat and sat down, leaving a blushing Atsumu at his spot. 'Ok fine that one you pass. Then now do you have the name in the business world?' Osamu asked glaring at Sakusa since he made his brother so flustered.

'As I said, my name is Sakusa Kiyoomi, the CEO of M.K corps and successor of the Sakusa family.' Sakusa said while smirking. 'The Miya family is naturally below my family don't you know? Your lucky that someone as high as me is dating your precious brother here. Don't you think so?' Sakusa said while smiling warmly.

'True. Well your qualified. But..if tsumu let me know that you mistreat him...' Osamu started with a warm and welcoming smile. 'I will make sure I torture you with my own hands.' he finished with a scary and murderous smile. 'I won't mistreat him. I promise.' Sakusa said with a slightly terrified expression.

'Now that's settle..Come on Sakusa, we still have business to do.' Komori said while standing up and fixing his suit. 'Coming. Well see you next time Osamu.' Sakusa said. 'Yeah. Don't even come find me again.' Osamu said clearly unhappy that Atsumu found a boyfriend.

After they parted ways, Osamu excused himself with Atsumu and Suna to go visit his parents. Akagi also nodded in agreement so they parted ways.

Akagi POV:

'Well, it's just me now. I guess I can go back to the mansion..' I thought to myself. I called a cab and arrived back at the mansion. As soon as I reached the mansion, I quickly walked inside the mansion since I wanted to rest.

'Welcome back master Akagi. Would you like some snacks? I could go prepare some for you.' Sugawara asked me. 'Oh yes please. I'm kinda hungry from the events today.' I replied. 'I will go prepare it immediately. 'Thank you.' I replied while walking away since I was to tired to do anything.


'Ahhh I feel more refreshed now.' I thought to myself after taking a relaxing bath. I was wiping my hair with a towel when I heard my stomach grumbled. 'Oh right- I haven't eat a proper meal today.' I thought. 'Well let's go to the kitchen then!' I thought to myself while skipping down the hallway to the kitchen. 'Oof- Don't you watch where your walking!' I heard someone said. 'I'm very sorry! I didn't see you there.' I apologize while bowing down.

I looked down to see the kid I helped last time at the alleyway. 'Wait...aren't you that guy that helped me at the alleyway?' she asked. 'Oh uh you remembered?' I asked while scratching my neck akwardly.

'Of course! You were so cool!!' she exclaimed excitingly. 'Where are you going anyways?' she asked me. 'Oh. I'm heading to the kitchen. Would you like to come?' I asked her. 'Yeah!! Come on let's go!' she said while dragging me to the direction of the kitchen.

As we were heading down the hallway, I asked the kid something. 'Um, not to be rude but, I haven't got your name?' I asked her in a polite manner. 'Oh right. My name's Akira!! How about you mister?' she replied. 'You can call me Akagi. Or Michi if you want.' I said while smiling at her. 'Ok Michi!! I will call you that from now on!' she said while hugging me.

'Ok Akira. Well let's get going?' I asked while patting her head. 'Yeah let's go!!' she said breaking the hug.

'Alright.' I said while smiling. I was always fond of kids so I was quite happy.

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