Little Red Riding Hood

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The Blackbird transformed into a bat and hung me upside down, carrying me by my legs. My hands and feet were tied together with ropes.

"Y'know, if you were going to kidnap me, turn into a horse or an eagle. Why a small creature like a bat?" I grumbled.

"Us Blackbirds are more powerful in our birth forms than as any other creature. Did you not know?"

"Well good for you now-"

"You might want to keep that mouth of yours shut. Or you'll die a pathetic death from a high height and it'll be all your fault."

"Shut up! Let me go!"

"Whoops, I warned you," He let me go and I started falling. I landed on sharp leaves and branches. I hurried to untie myself and stayed near the top of trees. I noticed a crowd of blackbirds in different forms walking all over the forest. I doubted that this was the norm.

"What am I going to do? I don't even have the sword anymore."

A wolf at the bottom of my tree whimpered quietly, indicating that I followed it. "Sir Aloysius sent for me!"

I recognised it's voice as one of the younger wolves, Zev. I jumped down quietly.

"What do I do? The gate is guarded. I don't have a weapon."

"First, take off the hood. it's too eye catching right now. Ride on my back. I'll bring you to a cave the near the wolf clan. Lucinda and Colt are going to follow me, okay?" I nodded and jumped on his back.

"I'm really sorry for putting you through all this, Zev."

"I don't mind. Sir Aloysius says you're a Blackbird from our wolf clan. So you're one of us."

As we rode on, two wolves joined by Zev's side, Lucinda and Colt I believe. Just as we were closing in on the cave, a large fuzzy being that stood over two metres charged at Zev. He pushed me off as the grizzly bear attacked him.

"Zev!" Colt went to his aid while Lucinda grabbed me to follow her.

The bear had Zev in his jaws. No! He was a young child! He- he couldn't!

"Hey! Winnie the Pooh! Yeah you, you oversized rug! Drop the wolf!"

The bear let go of Zev who was covered in blood and crying.

"Red! What are you doing? Let's go-"

"Take Zev back to the wolf clan! He's in a critical condition right now!"

Lucinda and Colt looked like they wanted to argue, but they hauled Zev and ran to the direction of the caves.

"Purple... eyes..."

"Yeah, I get it. They're purple. Say something different," I yelled.

"Why do you choose to live in the village?" it asked.

"I don't want to! Not anymore! I didn't even choose to! But who knows, maybe it's just that the grass is greener on the other side. And unfortunately, this grass has bears!"

I walked back slowly, till I reached a fallen branch. It was rough and thick, the ends probably flimsy. But I was in desperate need for a weapon. I grabbed it and swung it at the bear. As expected, it broke upon impact, the small branches shattering against its back. Now, all I had was a large stick that looked like it could break any second.

"Give up and follow me."

"No!" I grabbed the stick and pretended to dive under the bear. The bear aimed its head down and I smacked its nose and face with the stick. My hand began to bleed as the rough branch scratched my skin and blistered started to form.

Little Red Riding HoodWhere stories live. Discover now