Little Red Riding Hood

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"Well? Where are these children!" Diablo transformed back into a human, landing beside me and Cedric. He thumped his feet impatiently as he stared into the thick vegetation of trees on the otherside of the path. His assistant and two subordinates shifted with him, from birds of prey to humans.

"Patience, Sir Diablo. And quit moving your leg eagerly like a bunny. One would think you weren't a crow, but a rodent," Cedric rolled his eyes.


"Enough fighting. Diablo, do you remember how when we saw each other again, there was a barrier that seemed normal on the outside, but no one could go through?"  I stared straight ahead, where what looked to just be another part of the vast forest. "This is just like that. 

I hopped off Cedric and walked over to the barrier, placing my hand forth. Just as I expected, the barrier walls, jiggly and cold, let me pass through. I pulled my hand back with ease. "Diablo, Cedric, can either of you enter?"

Diablo walked over, but was pushed back. "Agh! Why does this thing only let you in? Is it your eyes?"

That was probably the case. Plus, the little Piper knew me from my dream. He should let me in, since he asked for my help. Cedric stride over, but somehow, he was able to enter as easily as I did. "How?" I couldn't hide the shock in my voice.

"Could it be because he is in your clan?" Diablo speculated.

Bador and Zeke tried to enter, but were pushed back, just as Diablo was. "Why does it only accept Cedric, but not us?" Zeke growled at the barrier. 

"That's not going to do anything, Zeke. Why don't you all wait outside. I'll come out as quickly as I can. Diablo, could you and your company circle the skies for anything suspicious. Zeke, Bador, telepath any news you hear."

"Yes, my lady," the two bowed.

I jumped onto Cedric again, and took a deep breath, before we entered the barrier. I was actually frightened. The last time I entered a barrier, it was to save children as well. And it was where I found Aloysius- where he- No! I shook my head. I want to erase the memory from my brain. 

"Lady Red?"

"Yes, Cedric?"

"You are more tense. Is something wrong?"

"N-Not exactly. I- To be honest, I'm afraid of what will happen in here." I looked around. There was no mist, just clear green trees and grass. But I could still feel a chill in the air.

"Worry not, My lady. I am here to protect you. Unlike last time, you won't be alone."

"Aww, Cedric," I pat his head, and he smiled like a puppy. That's true. I have Cedric now. I'm not lonely. As we walked further, a flute's melody played in the air. It was sweet, disgustingly so. Like sticky honey that had gotten onto your skin, and you worried it would drip everywhere. It was a forcefully happy tune. I looked to Cedric to see if he was affecteed, but he only frowned.

"That song. Could it be the children?"

"Indeed. More precisely, it is their kidnapper."

I pushed past a large bush, and it made way for a clearing, where children ran back and forth. I recognised them. All of them. Their eyes were more dazed than when I'd last seen them. They were almost fully white. Not a pupil in their eyes. I got off and kneeled next to one of the children. I waved my hand in front of one, and she ignored it, running right into it instead.

I was so surprised, I immediately went to check if she was going to cry, but she got up just as quickly, and yelled in a all too happy voice, "I'm having fun!" All the children cheered in unison, all around me. Everywhere. I was so worried, I tried to walk away, but ended up falling. The children were all so... fake. Like puppets. One touched me, and he felt... cold. Almost dead.

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