Little Red Riding Hood

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It made eye contact with me. It's hypnotic green eyes drew me in, before it pounced towards me... I was dead meat...

I could hear someone scream my name. Probably my brother...

As the beast lashed out its claws, ready to strike me, some instinct of mine took over. I ducked and rolled away at the last second. The beast fell to the floor in shock but quickly got back up. It glared at me.

It glared at me! How dare it! I didn't do anything! I should be glaring at it!

So being me, I did. It looked confused.

I looked around for a weapon. Something to strike it with. My eyes glanced over to a man with a sword. I ran towards him and swiped it away. Before he could protest, the wolf charged again like a bull.

I predicted so and slid under it, slashing at its belly. A splash of red sprayed out. Gross...

It fell, wounded. It couldn't get up properly. The other hunters took advantage, but it still defended itself with its teeth and giant tail. The others couldn't get near it.

"Are you the bearer of the red cloak?" It asked in a gruff voice.

The other hunters backed away. I didn't blame them. Who knew wolves could speak. I was too rooted to the ground.

"Are you the bearer of the cloak!" It repeated, this time sounding annoyed.

"What is it to a wolf, if I answer?" I asked back.

"The child who bears this cloak is no Redhead, but a Blackbird!"

I gulped hard. This wolf was insane.

"There is more than just one red cloak, wolf. There is more than just one Redhead village. Perhaps you've got the wrong one," Robin yelled in my defence.

It stared at Robin, then smirked.

"I remember you. Your face has changed, you hair and eyes have too. But there is no mistake. You carried the child here. And that child, is she!" the wold turned to face me. "Take her hood off if you do not believe me! Her head is as dark as coal. Her eyes are the colours of an orchid! Show your face, child. Show your Blackbird face!"

The hunters all stared curiously at me. I shook my head. "No! I am a Redhead! I am!"

"Then prove it! Show yourself!" a hunter yelled. Others screamed in agreement.

Robin stood beside me and pulled my hood down. I ducked in fear.

Everyone's eyes fell upon me. I was dead for sure.

"No! Her hear is black! It truly is!" the wolf yelled. I looked down and noticed my hair was red. A dull red, almost dark brown, but enough that it was a Redhead colour.

"Her eyes! Her eyes are that of orchids!" the wolf insisted.

Robin pulled me up and made me face the crowd if hunters, villagers and the wolf.

"As one can see! Her eyes are like mine! Brown as her hair!" Robin yelled. "The beast is a liar. Let us vanquish it this instance!"

The hunters cheered and was about to slice apart the wolf, who was screaming and howling.

"Stop it! Let it go!" I tried to yell through the crowd of hunters but to no avail. My voice was carried away by the wind.

As the wolf howled in pain as the hunters were stabbing away. I fought my way in front of them and yelled.

"Stop it at once!"I yelled as loudly as I could. The hunters tried to push me away but I held my stance protecting the wolf.

"That beast ate my sheep!"

Little Red Riding HoodWhere stories live. Discover now