Little Red Riding hood

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I didn't know a lot of things, like how birds could sing, or why the sky was blue. But I knew one thing...

"Do you mind helping to do some delivery, Red!"

I didn't like to work...

"Coming, mama!" I hurried down the stairs, knowing that if I didn't, I would surely get it from her.

Making sure to adjust my hood over my eyes before she could see me was the norm for me.

"Mind helping bring these to the Pans? They're the ones-"

"With the pipes symbol, mama. I know."

"Don't interrupt me when I'm talking!" she snapped.

"Yes mama. Sorry, mama," I apologised.

"Hmph. If it weren't for me, you'd be rotting in who know where."

"Yes mama."

"Now off you go! Go! Shoo!" she pushed me out with a basket in hand.

I sighed reluctantly. Making my way to the Pans wasn't difficult. It just meant having to cross the market place. It was always so crowded.

While walking through the market place, I stopped in front of the gate. The gate that separated the Redheads from the Blackbirds. To the side, a Redhead elder was telling the tales of horror of the Blackbirds.

"They're monstrous, swoop down on ya'll like birds of prey! Ya'll best make sure, you never meet the eyes of a Blackbird. Better yet, pray you don't see one. They're bad luck."

I rolled my eyes at the story. The elders always warned us about the Blackbirds. Truth be told, I didn't even know if they'd exist.

I continued to walk to the Pans. Their house wasn't very big. Just average, if not a little smaller than ours. I knocked on their door. The freckled face of their, Peter greeted me.

"Here's your bread, Peter," I handed him the basket.

He was a little shorter than me, probably younger too. With red hair and brown eyes, he had a mischievous look l the time.

"Wow, thanks Red," he went back inside before coming out again. "This enough?" he asked and placed in my hand a small silver coin.

"Yes. Have a nice day," I turned and left. I wasn't much for conversing with others. My mama always told me,"You're different from others. You're always sick. Don't go spreading that kind of thing to others." And I heeded her advice.

I was definitely different. I didn't sound like a Red Head. Nor did I look the slightest bit like one. They had hair ranging from brown-red to copper-orange. They had big eyes, either brown or green or blue. They had pale skin with a pinkish tone to it. Mine was a little more of a light olive.

"Red! Come'ere for a sec, eh! Your mama ordered some eggs! Think she forgotten all about them! Mind helping me bring 'em over to her?"

I silently nodded and walked over to the egg merchant, a middle aged Red Head who had started having a few grey hairs, though no one would tell him that.

"Aww, c'mon Lil' Red. You've had that hood on since day one. Why not showing your pretty face off?" the egg merchant asked in a jolly tone.

"Um... cuz I'm sick...," I said and started coughing a little.

"You've been sick forever. I don't think there's been a time you weren't."

"Yeah... my body's pretty weak."

"Well, make sure to take care of yourself. Drink lots of water now."

I nodded and walked away with the eggs.

Little Red Riding HoodWhere stories live. Discover now