Little Red Riding Hood

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"Is there anything I should be aware of at the meeting?" I asked.

"Do not stray from the pack, My Lady. It is too dangerous to talk to any of the leaders," Cedric replied.

We were on the way to the meeting area. I'd been there once before, a valley within the forest that was clear of trees and full of rocks that were used as chairs. I was accompanied by Cedric, Zeke, Bador and Ella. I didn't want to bring everyone. Colt had to run the infirmary to take care of Teddy, Aurum and Gretel, while Lucinda had to train the young wolves like Zev and Briar.

"What about Diablo? I've spoke to him quite a number of times-"

"Absolutely not!" the wolves said in unison and jumped in front of me.

"Diablo is an annoying chicken!" Zeke argued.

"Aloysius said he confronted you during your first visit!" Cedric nodded

"He kidnapped you the first time and you fainted in front of your grandmother's house!" Bador added.

"And he keeps pestering you about his sister!" Ella nudged her snout against my waist.

"Well I did say I would help find her," I gently pushed Ella away.

"Diablo is a menace to everyone except his sister. He thinks with his muscle. Camilla was the brains in the bird clan," Zeke explained. 

"I can't go back on my word to help now, can I? If you are all so worried, why don't you just stay by me the whole night?" I suggested. Ella whimpered but gave in, her head hung low.  I scratched under her neck and she happily cuddled against my side.

"Ella, do not treat Lady Red so casually," Cedric chided. "My lady, please do not act so casual during the meeting. The other clans will find any excuse as to why you can't lead the wolves."

I didn't really remember how the other Blackbird clan leaders looked like. I was more focused on bringing Aloysius back to Cedric. I did remember that I was kidnapped by three racoons, one bat and a bear who was now dead. It wasn't just a coincidence that they tried to kidnap me at the same time, on the day of the meeting. They wanted to say something about me, maybe even kill me. 

"We're approaching. Stand tall, my Lady. The wolf pack is yours to rightfully lead. Even if you don't believe in yourself, you must muster all the confidence you can," Cedric reminded.

I nodded and pulled on the red hood of my cloak. I knew it was a risk to wear red in a Blackbird clan meeting, but I wanted to prove a point. I looked the same as I did three years ago, but I could lead the wolf pack now. I was no longer as naivé and scared as I was when they tried to kill me. The red cloak was a reminder of who I was to them then, and to show who I was now.

I will have to be Lady Red, Alpha of the wolf pack. A Blackbird who cannot shift, one with purple eyes, raised in the Redhead Village, and with the ability to control them with my words. It would be no easy feat to convince them I deserved my place. But for the sake of my clan, I would have to make the other clans must respect me. 

Bador pushed past a curtain of willow vines, revealing the meeting area. It was just as I remembered- a rock cliff for a stage, lush soft green grass and a clear blue body of water, all surrounded by tall oak trees. The birds and bats stayed on the trees, the others on the grass, and the fish in the water.

Once I walked in, I could feel all their eyes on me, intense stares piercing me like swords. Speaking of swords, mine hung by my side, purposely tucked out of my cloak so everyone could see it. I stride confidently with my wolves by my side to where we were supposed to stand.

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