Little Red Riding Hood

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"I'm having so much fun here!"

"Yes, I never want to go home!"

"What's home?" 

The sound of children cheering echoed in my ears, as I saw children running back and forth in an empty plain of green grass. They ran... almost mindlessly. As if they were just forced, all a facade. I bent down to one's level, and gasped back in surprise, falling on the grass. Their eyes were glossed over, just shiny, as if they were still asleep.

The faint sound of a flute played in the back. I turned to see the Pied Piper blowing into his wooden flute, emitting a sweet melody. The children danced and ran in sync with the song. The tune... that was what made the children act so strangely. He was possessing them with his song. 

This was still near the path, in fact, even closer to grandmama's house than before. Was that where they were headed? Why to her house though, if he was bringing them away from their parents in the Redhead village. It seemed ironic to bring them to a Redhead's house after.

"You," the music stopped for a moment, and so did the children. I turned and the pied piper boy stood right behind me. He- he was talking to me! He could see me!

"Why are you here? But you also aren't," he waved his hand at me, but it passed right through. He glared at me with curiosity, intense violet eyes like mine piercing through. He placed the flute under his lips and played another song. The children started dancing, but he seemed unsatisfied.

"Why can't I control you! How are you here! Answer me!"

A born-murderer could make their people follow their every word. Just as the Blackbirds couldn't deny my orders, the children couldn't help but be entranced by his music. But I was a Blackbird. He was a Redhead, or as far as I could tell he was. We wouldn't be able to control those who were different from us.

"What are you doing with these children! How dare you take these children away from their families!" I yelled back.

"They- they were unhappy! All those adults were doing was scolding. 'Don't do this, don't play anymore'," he mimicked. "They don't know children, they don't care about us!"

I looked out at the children. Among them, I saw Whitey, Blackey and Browny, dancing with dazed eyes. I knew Mr Chops was harsh on them, telling them to work hard. But did he never love them? No, he did.

Mr Coop's young son on the other hand, I could see scar marks on his arms, caused by his father's rage. Such young hands covered in such marks. Wounds that would never heal from the abuse.

Children both loved and unloved. The pied piper wasn't right, but he wasn't wrong either.

"The chief of the town wouldn't pay me either! He would rather give up his own people's souls than his gold. They are all selfish! Of course I had to rescue the children! They'll be happier here, happier than when they were in the wretched village-"

"Do they look happy to you? Do they?" I pointed to their mindless dancing. "Look at those children! Not one real smile upon their faces! Is that happiness to you?"

The pied piper staggered back. "They will... they will be happier. She- she wants me to do this. She'll make them happier."

"Who's she?"

"I- I can't-" the boy clawed at his throat, trying to pry the words from his mouth. But not a sound came out. He stopped his attempt and finally breathe again.

"Don't try to speak if you can't. There's no point." I ran to his side and pat his back. "If you know this isn't right, then stop! Stop this madness! The children will never be happy like this."

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