Little Red Riding Hood

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Oh why must my dreams haunt me... I had jumped right out of bed and fallen onto the floor after I woke up in shock. When I stood back up, I heard a whisper that sounded like my brother's.

I leaned out the window and saw my brother urging me to come along. Ah... right... training... I had nearly forgotten.

I raised my hand to show that I needed five minutes as I changed out of my nightwear.

I carefully scaled down the wall of the house. When I was within reach, Robin cautiously helped me down.

"Just in case." he had said.

We returned to the hidden garden. Again, we sparred with sticks, though, this time, Robin was less harsh on me.

After we arrived home, Robin made sure I was tucked in snuggly before he went to take a bath.

"Just in case." he said that yet again.

When I got up in the morning, my body ached, but not as much as the day before.

I had a feeling Robin was holding back, in fear that I might faint again because of him. I didn't blame him. I was scared myself.

When I joined mama downstairs, things went as per normal. It stayed that way for a couple of days. I didn't even get visits from that creepy bird.

Two weeks later

"Huh? You need Red to go back into that forest? Past those gates?" Robin had his hands against the table, clearly objecting me going back.

"Yes. Grandmama has requested for her. You know how lonely she can get."

"Then live here. Where, y'know, it isn't lonely! Instead of having Red always risk her life!"

"Calm down, Robin. Put yourself in grandmama's  shoes. She likes the forest but there's no one to be with her. That can get pretty lonesome," I tried to reason. "Besides, I don't mind going."

He glared at me from across the table and I held his stare.

"If you wish to go, then very well," Robin said surprisingly.

"Who are you and what have you done with my brother? Reveal yourself, kidnapper! I won't pay any ransom more than what he is worth, half a bronze coin!" I dramatically pressed a hand over my head, feining fear.

"Half! At least one, Red," Robin protested.

"Nope. You're not even worth that much."I walked over to pass Robin some fresh bread. "But honestly though, why're you suddenly okay with me going?"

"Because you seem stronger now. I do wish you didn't have to go, but if you insist, I can't do anything."

I thought about what Robin said... I was stronger now- oh! His training! His intense, difficult, back-breaking, one of a kind training. Thinking about it made my bones ache for the sweet release of death. I was a little stronger now, and my stamina had definitely improved. 

The thought of going past the gates again excited me, but it also sent shivers down my spine. I could breathe with ease. However, the forest was filled with beautiful horros, from the flowers, to grandmama's house, to the bird and wolf. It was like a drug, so tempting, so dream-like that it drew me in. But I knew it was too dangerous for one like me to stay in the blackbird's forest. Besides, Robin would never allow it.

"Be ready by dawn. I'll have bread and fruits prepared for you to deliver," mama instructed.

I was almost too excited to sleep, though I did eventually. However, just like almost every other night, my dreams came to scare.

This dream was different. I was still in the blackbird's forests, but there was no war, no redheads chasing, no children running. How peculiar. Perhaps my mind decided to give peace this once. There was a raven that flew and landed on a tree. It slowly grew in mass till it became a human figure. 

I stepped back in surprise. So this was a blackbird. It didn't seem to show any sign that it could see me. It jumped down from the tree and landed swiftly on its feet. "You wanted to see me?" it spoke in a husky voice.

"Yes. She's coming back to the forest. Mama wants her to visit grandmama, for whatever reason she has." This voice was familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Let me guess, you want me to ensure she stays out of trouble? Am I some sort of bodyguard to you? Or perhaps a slave, seeing as you have me fetch that ridiculous plant for your hair."

"You know I do not. I require the dye from the plant to blend in. As for her, we both know it is not just I who wants to keep her safe."

"Tsk. That's what you think. I couldn't care less if she was thrown into a den of redheads. Oh wait..."

"Hahaha, funny. And we both know otherwise. Just watch out for her without her noticing."

The blackbird shifted back into a raven and flew away, leaving his companion, a man with black hair, gold eyes and his face. Now I knew why his voice was so familiar.



I woke up from my odd dream. It seemed too real to just be a dream. It must be real. But... that was just mad! Why would Robin be in the Blackbird forest, speaking with a blackbird? That was far too insane to be true. Yet, I couldn't unthink the thought. 

Stealing glances at my brother, more wild thoughts ran through my brain. It seemed impossible. Besides, it was a dream. That wasn't the most reliable source. But what if it were true? What if- What if Robin was in kahoots with blackbirds? 

"Are you done staring?" Robin's voice suddenly interrupted my thoughts. "You keep looking my way. Is there something wrong?" He got up from his seat and placed a hand over my forehead. 

"I'm not sick, Robin. I'm just nervous. That's all," I lied, though only partially.

"Is that so? Would you rather I go visit grandmama in your stead?"

"No! I- I want to see her." Seeing Robin look worriedly at me, I tried to calm him down. "Worry not. I'll be fine." Especially if Robin had asked someone to watch out for me. I would have to keep an eye out for a follower. If I caught them, I could question them about Robin. Find out the truth hopefully.


I held my basket of bread that Mama had given me and walked past the gate. Taking a breath of the fresh air, I felt so alive just from one inhale.

"Stay on the path!" I heard Robin yell from behind.

So I did the opposite. I strayed once again from the clear road. I could sense a presence nearby, not far behind me. I stopped in the centre of a field of flowers.

"Come out! I near you're there," I spoke.

I heard a thud and a large black wolf walked by. "My, my, what do I have here? Has little red riding hood strayed from her path? What will your grandmother think of you." His voice was familiar. I was sure this was the blackbird that Robin spoke to in my dreams.

"Enough with your games, Mr Wolf. I want answers." It was hard, but I tried to assert dominance and courage over the wolf.

"Answers? I could give some to you. Perhaps," he circled me like a predator to a prey. "You'd like to know where the path is? Or the shortest way to grandmother's house-"

"I want to know why you're in my dreams. I want answers as to how you know Robin," I looked down at the animal circling me. It stopped in its tracks, its eyes dilated. It was obviously shocked by my request. "Will you give me my answers, Mr Wolf, or should I say, Mr Blackbird?"

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