Little Red Riding Hood

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As if sparring with Robin wasn't enough, I still had to climb back up my window. My body was aching. I started coughing hysterically.

I knelt to the ground, for if I didn't, I would surely knock my head on the hard grass. I leaned against the house for support as I could feel myself getting dizzy and faint. Oh why did Robin do this to me... And on our first lesson too-

No! I was strong. I could take this, just like all the hunters in town.

I pushed myself off the wall, refusing to allow myself the comfort for my weakness. I stumbled a little... before feeling myself fall back.

As I was sure I would hit the ground with a thud, I felt a pair of arms circle me.

"R-robin?" Though it didn't feel like my brother's.

"Ssh... Sleep," a gentle but coarse hand was placed over my hood where my eyes were and I went limp in the arms of a stranger with a weirdly familiar deep voice.

When I awoke, I was in my bed, tucked in. I lept up, cautious of my surroundings. When I was sure was safe, I settled myself back under my quilt. Closing my eyes, easing into my dreams, when...

"Red, come down. Help me make breakfast!"

I groaned. I was sore and wished to sleep.

With and arm over my tired eyes under my hood, I replied as I groggily got up again. Pulling my hood over the majority of my face, I went down to help mama.

"Go bake the bread, Red-" she looked up at me. "Are you alright, Red?" she asked with concern.

"No better not worse than any other day, mama," I replied. Although, I felt worse today. Was it the train- No! If others could take the training, so could I. It was probably just me.

Mama glanced cautiously at me before instructing me to bake the bread in the stone chimney.

As I was carrying a second batch, my gaze grew blurry ans I tripped over my two feet, nearly dropping the lumps of dough.

"Red! Careful! You nearly dropped them."

"S-sorry mama."

Robin entered the house to find mama lecturing me about being careful. Just like mama, he spared a quick glance before asking how she was.

I placed the batch into the chimney oven and went to kneading a new batch. My vision grew blurry yet again. Thinking it was just temporary, I ignored it, until I closed my eyes.


"Little Red!"


I woke from the sound of mama and Robin looking down on me. I looked around and realised I was on the floor.

I gripped my hood and pulled it lower. I tried to steady myself and stand up when I remembered that I was just kneading dough.

"T-the dough!" I jumped up to my feet to check if it was fine.

"Forget the dough, Red! Go back up to your room and get plenty of rest!" mama yelled. She pushed me aside and started kneading the dough herself.

Robin got down and I climbed over his back so he was carrying me. It seemed childish but Robin was always insistent that I shouldn't walk after a dizzy spell.

As Robin got up and walked away, I heard mama mumble under her breath. "The dough. Pfft. Silly girl. More worried about the dough then herself."

Riding on my brother's back was comforting. He carried me up the stairs and into my room.

Little Red Riding HoodWhere stories live. Discover now