Little Red Riding Hood

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The journey was short, and we soon landed into my territory. The overwhelming number of Blackbirds camping just outside the border would be a huge danger to my clan. Or... it could be an unstoppable army.

"The Redheads are coming! I saw an arrow cut through on of the birds!" Scarlett, the red fox clan leader pretended to faint.

"My Xuxu is fine, right? He's breathing and-"

"Yes, I'm fine, honey. I just feel a little... tired," Xuxu yawned.

"He just needs some rest. In the meantime, I need to prepare for battle. Cedric should be coming with the children soon. Lycan!" I was in a rush. Too many things to do, so little time. I would have to go against the Redheads, try to convince them that the Blackbirds weren't the culprits of the kidnapping. But then... who? I couldn't just give up little Nicolai. And if I told them that she was the one behind it, they won't believe. Who would've thought, a trusted Redhead senior, kidnapping the children.

To be fair, I didn't believe it myself, till I saw her hair, and it was too close to her home. It was almost as if she wanted me to find out. What exactly was her motive though? Agh! This is all too confusing for me!


"Red? You've returned I see. You aren't hurt, are you?"

"No, but Diablo's assistant 'Xuxu' is. Shot through the heart by a Hunter's arrow. They're near, and I need to somehow stop threm. I- I need an army, and I need the children, and I-" I started breathing quickly as my thoughts started to scramble.

"Red, take a deep breath."

"I can't calm down, Aloysius. Redheads are coming, and they're all going to destroy my home! My clan! I need to protect everyone!"

"We will, but you need to relax first, think with a straight mind."

"Right, you- you're right. I just need to calm down," I tried to take deep breaths, but I couldn't focus. I still felt nauseous, like I was going to faint. But I can't. I need to plan-

"Deep breaths, my wife," I felt Aloysius stand behind me. With one hand, he held my shoulder, and the other wrapped around my waist. He pushed me so my back was against his chest. The hand on my waist creeped up to my hand, and he intertwined our fingers delicately, his thumb rubbing the my knuckles. I felt at ease just being around Aloysius. Just holding his hand calmed my mind.

"Is holding my hand really different from holding anyone else's?" Aloysius muttered into my ear.

"Of course! It's- it feels more comfortable, and- and it's calming to hold," I softened at the last part. "Aloysius, I don't know what to do. I had a bunch of plans, speeches in my head on what to tell the Redheads. But seeing how one of the Hunters just shot down 'Xuxu', it feels more real. Scarier. I'm afraid. I don't know what to do at all now," I mumbled. I was shaking, and my knees felt too weak.

"Well, we have two options. We either fight it out, or we talk it out. The latter is the more ideal option."

"But they won't just want to talk it out. And if I talk to them, I- I'll- I will have to show I'm a Blackbird. I think that's the scariest part. Showing them I'm not who they thought I was. I thought I could forget about them, and never let them know where I went, but part of me doesn't want to see them... disappointed in me."

How foolish of me. To think of how the Redhead saw me instead of worrying about my clan. "Never mind, Aloysius. I'll speak with the Redhead clan first. Overlook the village children's conditions for me. We can't return them in their dazed state or the Redheads will surely point fingers at us." I broke away from Aloysius and walked towards the direction of the village path.

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