Little Red Riding Hood

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"Robin, did you have a good time hunting?"

"Unfortunately not. We are planning to go into the Blackbird forests the next time."

"Ohno! But the Blackbird forest is full of dangerous creatures!"

"We have no choice. There are barely any creatures in the village left. I think it has to do with the sudden pest infestation."

I watched the couple talk and felt a little out of place. But I shouldn't butt in. It would be far too rude. I just ate my dinner in silence.

After dinner ended, I helped Mama wash the dishes and retreated into my room. Robin let himself in while I was writing in my journal while lying on my bed. Confused, and upset that he didn't knock, I decided to ignore him. 

"We should talk, Red."

"You've been saying that since I came back. What is it this time?" I groaned. I thought we already discussed everything that we needed to.

"Did something happen between you and Peter? I'll pulverize him in training tomorrow of you want-"

"You just told me you didn't want me finding my other half, then you proceeded to bully him in trainings. When I come back and say I won't fall in love, you threaten him again. What could you possibly want, Robin?" I was frustrated by him. It was as if everything I did was wrong in his eyes.

"You came back saying you didn't trust anyone to love you unconditionally. I figured he probably broke your heart," Robin sat on my bed and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"I appreciate your concern, Robin. But no one has broken my heart. You need not worry over my relationships."

Robin sat silently beside me, then left to his own room. Upon his leave, I let out a sigh of relief. Was it always so uncomfortable to talk to Robin? I'd never felt that it was before. When did it start to change?

The loud pecking sound against my window interrupted my thoughts once again. The Blackbird raven was back! At this point, the visits were so frequent, I wouldn't be surprised if it just built a nest on the roof of our house. I opened the windows. This was the one who constantly came. I could tell as it did not have grey feathers on its belly like the one from morning perched on my shoulder. So I had two stalkers.

"What're you doing back here, little guy?" I tickled under its head and it rubbed back affectionately. It jumped closer to me and pecked gently at my skirt. "Hey, stay away, little guy. You may look like a raven, but I know what you are."

It tilted its head and pretended the look innocence. I didn't buy it. It flew a few rounds around my room, squawking hysterically. In fear that Mama and Robin would hear, I chased it around and tried to cover its beak. "Okay, you win. Ssh! I can't let Mama and my brother know you're here!" I hissed at it. In retaliation, it pecked sharply at my fingers. I dropped it in pain and it flew around me.

"You're a sneaky one," I pointed an accusing finger at it. I felt more comfortable around a raven than I did my own brother. It was quite ironic and saddening.

As if it could read my thoughts, it grabbed my sleeve and pulled me towards my window. It had more strength than I thought and almost pulled me out my window. I could've fallen to my death. I realized it was pulling me in the direction of the Blackbird forest.

"You want me to go to the forest? With you?" I asked. The raven eagerly nodded its head. 

Should I? I'd already been there twice and they were both dangerous and traumatizing. But I didn't feel like being home currently. I didn't know why, I just felt like leaving this place for a short while.

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