Little Red Riding Hood

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"Cedric, did Aloysius have a previous lover, or one still?"

Cedric paused in his steps and turned to me, raising an eyebrow suspiciously. "Aloysius was given the title of Alpha at a young age. He never had the time to mingle with others. When he finally got used to his role and in his prime for a mate, you came along and forced him to teach you how to fight."

Right... I did do that. My bad, I'd accidentally ruined Aloysius' love life. It was true... he was twenty when we met. Perfect age to find his love. Oh... I definitely ruined his chances of finding a lover. Fifteen year old me was too annoying. I'm sorry Aloysius!

"Why do you ask, Lady Red?" he walked closely and stood over my desk, eyeing me to see if I would lie.


"Simply marry him."


"Marriage. When Blackbirds marry, they are accepted to each other's clans. If Aloysius marries you, he will receive a similar rank to yours, in this case, the Alpha of the Wolf clan," Diablo rolled his eyes and knocked my forehead, making me stumble back in shock. "Shouldn't you know this? How are you going to be a Blackbird leader if you don't even know about member acceptance."

"Is there... any other way? Surely there are many, right?" I couldn't meet Diablo in the eyes. I can't meet anyone in the eyes thinking of such a thought.

"The only way for you prideful wolves. In most other clans, at least not the predator ones, the leaders can still stay and live within the clans."

"That's quite pleasant-"

"Granted they lose all their limbs."

"I'm sorry, run that by me again?" I stared down at my arm. Imagine if that happened to al my other limbs. I shuddered. I definitely didn't want to picture Aloysius like that.

"What's wrong with marriage? You seem at the ripe age for so. As far as I know, Aloysius didn't have a lover. Sad and lonely," Diablo raised his head in mockery.

"Neither do you. You only have your sister who isn't even here currently," I spat back.

"Quite a rude one, aren't you," he sneered down at me. "Keep that attitude and the other leaders are surely going to dislike you."

"I can just ask them to accept me. Who can stop me?" I smiled.

"Tsk, born murderer."

I chose to ignore what he said, though I really wanted to ask him to slap himself. "Can't I just ask the wolves to accept Aloysius as their leader, and force Aloysius to take back his Alpha position?" Why didn't I think of this before?

"You cannot. His body would physically drop dead."

Well I didn't want that. "Can it not?" I asked.

"That's like asking someone who's bleeding to stop. It's impossible to go against nature that way. Marriage on the other hand, not against their nature. Hence, he would live, and have his position."

"Why- why is that?" why was this power so confusing? I didn't get it at all.

"Who knows. It's said because past leaders' are far too prideful to take back what they'd lost. But if they marry, it's a gain," Diablo nodded, proud by his explanation. I still didn't get it. Talking to him was like speaking to a mix of Robin and Mama. Confusing, but it seemed reasonable at the same time. A hint, reasonable was not from Robin.

"So marry him, have a wedding, birth thousands of baby cubs, live a happy life as a power couple. And find my sister. Very important. Will you do it?"

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