Cold as Ice pt. 2

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Mari's POV

Ughhh. I was so bored. Tomorrow would be our first tour, and since the trip is sponsored by the Waynes, we're going to WE! But it's  still 10 and I'm not sleepy. I opened the group chat and started spamming.

🐞Maribug🐞✨: I'm boooooooooooooooooooooored

🐝🍯Chloethebee🐝🍯: Go to sleeeeeep

🐞Maribug🐞: But I caaaaaaaaaaaan't

🐝🍯Chloethebee🐝🍯: Close your eyes and count until you do🙃🙃

🐉🔥Kagamithefiery🐉🔥: Mari-hime, you need to have energy for tomorrow. SO SLEEP!

🐍🎸Lukaisacoolsnake🐍🎸: Yeah I agree with Kagami

🐞Maribug🐞: Yeah cuz she's ur giiiiiiiiiiirlfriiiiiiiiiiend😏😏😏

🐝🍯Chloethebee🐝🍯: Good Night😴

🐉🔥Kagamithefiery🐉🔥: Good Night

🐍🎸Lukaisacoolsnake🐍🎸: Good Night.

🐞Maribug🐞: K, night🙄

Well, that was a waste of time. Whatever. SLEEP IS FOR LOSERS. I stared at my phone and tried to make commissions the whole night. Soon a whole outfit was ready to go for the Wayne Gala at the end of the trip. I fell asleep around 6 I think, and woke up at 7.

I knew Lie-la would try to convince the class to go early so I couldn't come so I needed to get ready fast, because the tour was at 8. I wore the clothes I worked on last night:

 I wore the clothes I worked on last night:

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I checked my phone

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I checked my phone. "WHAT THE ASDFGHJKL" I got like a 1000 new messages out of nowhere and my phone started beeping like crazy. 

🐝🍯Chloethebee🐝🍯: Marebear the class is leaving fast!

🐉🔥Kagamithefiery🐉🔥: Mari-hime come on!

🐇🎇Alixthefastbunny🐇🎇:Hurry up!

I ran for it before they could leave. I was in the lobby when I just missed the bus by like 3 seconds. Like bruh. I went to the lobby and asked the assistant for a map to WE. I circled a coffee shop on it too so I could get some in the middle.

At coffee shop

I ordered 4 extra coffees for Chlo, Kagami, Alix, and Luka. Nath couldn't come on the trip 'cause his parents were out of city and so was his brother. He needed to keep an eye on his house. I ordered a peppermint latte for myself, since I'm obsessed with that stuff. The person working there said all the tables were full, but if someone doesn't mind I can share a table with them.

I sat next to one dude who had huge bags under his eye. "What's your name?" I asked him. "Tim Drake." he said, gulping his coffee down. "Yours?" he asked me. Oh god he looked like he would pass out any second. "Marinette Dupain-Cheng." I said back. "Where are you from? You don't sound American at all." he asked me.

"I'm from Paris. I won a contest to let my class go to Gotham. Today we were going to WE, but I missed the bus by 3 seconds. Now I'm here walking to WE with a coffee." His eyes widened, and he got of his seat. "CRAP!!! You're in the class I was supposed to be showing around with demon spawn." I followed him as he ran to WE since that was more effective than a map. 

I saw Chloe in the WE lobby. she hugged me and hugged her back. "One green honey tea for you!" I said smiling. I gave her tea and gave the rest their drinks. Alya came over and stared at me. "What?" I said. "My drink." she said, like it was obvious and put her hand out. Yeahhh uhhh no. 

"Wait you got drinks for them but not for your best friend?" she said, sounding actually surprised. "You're not my friend." was all I said to her. "No, we used to text every day! We were, and still are besties!" she said, trying to make sense. "Really? Check your last message to me." I said, glaring at her.

Alya paled, but Adrien and Nino who seemed convinced that me and her ended it on good terms said, "Read it aloud Alya." "O-Okay. . . Marinette no one likes you, and you should just jump of the Eiffel." I simply turned around and talked, waiting for the tour to start. Soon Tim came, with another guy. His skin was tan and his hair was gelled back. 

But what really got me were his eyes. Like the deepest pools of jades. Like emeralds in a rainforest. I-I didn't know what to say. But then he looked at my eyes, as if thinking the same about me and we both blushed. A lot.


"WE works in every business, energy, agri-" Tim was cut off by Lie-la. "Do you know I'm dating Damian Wayne? Oh no- I wasn't supposed to tell you that!" she then started sobbing about how
"Brucie" was strict on rules and they had to keep it a secret. "Promise we won't tell!" Rose said, being the hopeless romantic she was, taking it all in. Tim was obviously a coffee addict, every time Lie-la lied. Which was a lot. Soon he ran out. He looked hopeless.

So before our guide passed out on the spot I went to get him a coffee. I bumped into someone though, cause I was staring at my feet. I looked up ready to apologize, but I blushed. It was the guy. "M-my name is Marinette." "Damian"

And that's how we met.

Ok so I decided to end this two-shot here. So send me requests and I just wanted to say, and I may sound dumb, but I got my first vote! Thank you who ever gave it! 

- dreamcatcher

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